Plotting using ggplot2

First, we need to install the library using following command

  • ggplot is a popular data visualization package in R programming.

Then we can use it as usual by importing the library into script.


# Importing library
# Reading Dataset
SalaryData <- read.csv("placement.csv")
# Preparing model
model <- lm(package ~ cgpa, data = SalaryData)
png(file = "placement_stats.png")
ggplot(SalaryData, aes(x = cgpa, y = package)) +
  geom_point() + # For displaying points
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) + # for displaying line
  labs(title = "CGPA and Package regression", x = "CGPA", y = "Y")



It works in similar manner as previous one, both line of best fit and points are plotted on the graph

Without geom_point (plotting points absent)


# Importing library
# Reading Dataset
SalaryData <- read.csv("placement.csv")
# Preparing model
model <- lm(package ~ cgpa, data = SalaryData)
png(file = "placement_stats.png")
ggplot(SalaryData, aes(x = cgpa, y = package)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) + # geom_points removed
  labs(title = "CGPA and Package regression", x = "CGPA", y = "Y")



plotting points absent

When removing geom_point parameter the plotting points are not displayed on the graph while keeping everything same.

Without geom_smooth (line absent)


# Importing library
# Reading Dataset
SalaryData <- read.csv("placement.csv")
# Preparing model
model <- lm(package ~ cgpa, data = SalaryData)
png(file = "placement_stats.png")
ggplot(SalaryData, aes(x = cgpa, y = package)) +
  labs(title = "CGPA and Package regression", x = "CGPA", y = "Y")



line absent

When removing geom_smooth parameter the line of best fit is not displayed on the graph while keeping everything same.

How to Plot the Linear Regression in R

In this article, we are going to learn to plot linear regression in R. But, to plot Linear regression, we first need to understand what exactly is linear regression.

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Plotting using ggplot2


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