Peninsular Rivers

Peninsular Rivers are the occasional Rivers as their stream fundamentally depends on the precipitation. These Rivers experience a decrease in the progression of water, regardless of whether they are long, during the dry season. They are portrayed with short and shallow courses.

The vast majority of the peninsular Rivers emerge from the Western Ghats, Rivers towards the east and channel into the Sound of Bengal. It incorporates Rivers like the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna, and the Cauvery, and so forth that make deltas. In any case, the Narmada and the Tapi are the two Rivers whose starting place is the focal high countries, and they stream towards the west, and makes estuaries. Estuaries are only little deltas.

The starting points of peninsular Rivers lie in levels and little slopes. There is no snow to take care of water, and as such these Rivers are occasional and evaporate in summers. These Rivers don’t have a high disintegration movement as they course through delicate slants. The progression of water in these Rivers is likewise at a sluggish speed, not considering the wandering of Rivers. In any case, these Rivers actually demonstrate a plentiful wellspring of hydroelectricity.


  • The Western Ghats, which run lined up with the western coast, fills in as a water split between the major Peninsular Rivers, which release their water into the Straight of Bengal, and more modest creeks that enter the Middle Eastern Ocean.
  • They are downpour taken care of and transport an enormous volume of water, these Rivers are occasional.
  • They evaporate when there is an absence of downpour and extend during the rainstorm season. Thus, they are at times known as occasional Rivers.
  • They go through a level landscape, they ordinarily move straight and don’t make wanders.

Difference between Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers

Rivers assume an essential part in the existence of individuals in India. Their significance can be measured by the way that most Indian urban communities are arranged on the banks of a waterway. Stream water is fundamental, for drinking and washing, yet additionally for the water system of harvests. Indian Rivers are chiefly named Himalayan Rivers and the peninsular Rivers in light of their starting point.

Himalayan Rivers are long-lasting conduits that start from the Himalayan mountains. Peninsular Rivers, then again, are non-enduring Rivers that start in the Western Ghats.

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