Partial Least Squares (PLS)

  • PLS is primarily a regression method that seeks to establish the relationship between a set of independent variables (X) and a dependent variable (Y).
  • It accomplishes this by identifying latent variables (components) in X that not only explain the variance within X but also exhibit covariance with Y.
  • The primary objective of PLS is to maximize the covariance between X and Y.
  • The PLS algorithm can be summarized in the following steps:
    • Calculate the weight vector, w, as the direction of maximum covariance between X and Y.
    • Calculate the scores, t, as the linear combination of X using w.
    • Calculate the loading vector, p, as the weights for the original variables in X.
    • Update X and Y by removing the explained variance.
    • Repeat steps 1-4 until the desired number of latent variables are extracted.
  • The PLS model can then be used to predict Y for new observations by simply calculating the linear combination of the latent variables for those observations.
  • Mathematical Explanation of PLS
    • Let X be a matrix of predictor variables with dimensions n x m, and let Y be a vector of response variables with dimensions n x 1.
    • The PLS algorithm aims to find a set of latent variables, T, that maximize the covariance between X and Y.
    • The latent variables are linear combinations of the original predictor variables, and they can be expressed as follows:
    where W is a matrix of weights.
    • The weights are chosen to maximize the covariance between T and Y. This can be expressed mathematically as follows:
    • The solution to this optimization problem is given by the following equation:
    • Once the weights have been calculated, the latent variables can be computed using the following equation:
    • The PLS model can then be used to predict Y for new observations by simply calculating the linear combination of the latent variables for those observations. This can be expressed mathematically as follows:

Partial Least Squares Singular Value Decomposition (PLSSVD)

Partial Least Squares Singular Value Decomposition (PLSSVD) is a sophisticated statistical technique employed in the realms of multivariate analysis and machine learning. This method merges the strengths of Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), offering a powerful tool to extract crucial information from high-dimensional data while effectively mitigating issues like multicollinearity and noise.

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Partial Least Squares (PLS)

PLS is primarily a regression method that seeks to establish the relationship between a set of independent variables (X) and a dependent variable (Y). It accomplishes this by identifying latent variables (components) in X that not only explain the variance within X but also exhibit covariance with Y. The primary objective of PLS is to maximize the covariance between X and Y. The PLS algorithm can be summarized in the following steps:Calculate the weight vector, w, as the direction of maximum covariance between X and Y.Calculate the scores, t, as the linear combination of X using w.Calculate the loading vector, p, as the weights for the original variables in X.Update X and Y by removing the explained variance.Repeat steps 1-4 until the desired number of latent variables are extracted.The PLS model can then be used to predict Y for new observations by simply calculating the linear combination of the latent variables for those observations.Mathematical Explanation of PLSLet X be a matrix of predictor variables with dimensions n x m, and let Y be a vector of response variables with dimensions n x 1. The PLS algorithm aims to find a set of latent variables, T, that maximize the covariance between X and Y.The latent variables are linear combinations of the original predictor variables, and they can be expressed as follows:where W is a matrix of weights.The weights are chosen to maximize the covariance between T and Y. This can be expressed mathematically as follows:The solution to this optimization problem is given by the following equation:Once the weights have been calculated, the latent variables can be computed using the following equation:The PLS model can then be used to predict Y for new observations by simply calculating the linear combination of the latent variables for those observations. This can be expressed mathematically as follows:...

Partial Least Squares Singular Value Decomposition (PLSSVD)

PLSSVD is a variant of PLS that uses singular value decomposition (SVD) to extract the latent variables from X....

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