Pandas Get a List of Particular Column Values

Below are the ways by which we can get a list of particular column values:

  • Using tolist()
  • Using get()
  • Using .loc[]

Example 1: Get a List of a Particular Column Using tolist() Method

In this example, a Pandas DataFrame is created from a dictionary, containing ‘Name’ and ‘Marks’ columns. The values of the ‘Marks’ column are extracted into a Python list using tolist().


# import pandas libraey
import pandas as pd
# dictionary
dict = {'Name': ['Martha', 'Tim',
                 'Rob', 'Georgia'],
        'Marks': [87, 91,
                  97, 95]}
# create a dataframe object
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
# show the dataframe
# list of values of 'Marks' column
marks_list = df['Marks'].tolist()
# show the list


     Name  Marks
0  Martha     87
1     Tim     91
2     Rob     97
3 Georgia     95
[87, 91, 97, 95]

Example: Iterate over Columns of a Pandas Dataframe

In this example, a Pandas DataFrame is created from a dictionary with ‘Name’ and ‘Marks’ columns. The code iterates through each column, and for each column, it prints the list of values obtained by applying the tolist() method.


# import pandas library
import pandas as pd
# dictionary
dict = {'Name': ['Martha', 'Tim',
                 'Rob', 'Georgia'],
        'Marks': [87, 91,
                  97, 95]}
# create a dataframe object
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
# show the dataframe
# iterating over and calling tolist()
# method for each column
for i in list(df):
    # show the list of values


     Name  Marks
0  Martha     87
1     Tim     91
2     Rob     97
3 Georgia     95
['Martha', 'Tim', 'Rob', 'Georgia']
[87, 91, 97, 95]

Example 2: Pandas Get a List of a Particular Column Value Using get() Method

In this example, a Pandas DataFrame is formed from a dictionary, and the code uses the get() method to extract the ‘Marks’ column, converting it into a Python list with the tolist() method, followed by printing the resulting list.


# import pandas libraey
import pandas as pd
# dictionary
dict = {'Name': ['Martha', 'Tim',
                 'Rob', 'Georgia'],
        'Marks': [87, 91,
                  97, 95]}
# create a dataframe object
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
# show the dataframe
# Using get() to get a list of values from the 'Marks' column
marks_column = df.get('Marks')
# Convert the Pandas Series to a Python list
marks_list_using_get = marks_column.tolist()
# Show the list


     Name  Marks
0  Martha     87
1     Tim     91
2     Rob     97
3 Georgia     95
[87, 91, 97, 95]

Example 3: Python Pandas Get a List of Particular Column Values Using .loc[] Method

In this example, a Pandas DataFrame is created from a dictionary with ‘Name’ and ‘Marks’ columns. The code utilizes the .loc[] method to extract and print the list of values from the ‘Marks’ column.


# import pandas library
import pandas as pd
# dictionary
dict = {'Name': ['Martha', 'Tim',
                 'Rob', 'Georgia'],
        'Marks': [87, 91,
                  97, 95]}
# create a dataframe object
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
# show the dataframe
# Using .loc[] to get a list of values from the 'Marks' column
marks_list_using_loc = df.loc[:, 'Marks'].tolist()
# Show the list


     Name  Marks
0  Martha     87
1     Tim     91
2     Rob     97
3 Georgia     95
[87, 91, 97, 95]

Get a list of a particular column values of a Pandas DataFrame

In this article, we’ll see how to get all values of a column in a pandas dataframe in the form of a list. This can be very useful in many situations, suppose we have to get the marks of all the students in a particular subject, get the phone numbers of all the employees, etc. Let’s see how we can achieve this with the help of some examples.

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