Other File Formats


Extension: .pdf

Format for Portable Documents (PDF). This file format allows file sharing and maintains document layout. The format that you intended is kept when the PDF file is printed or read online. The file’s data cannot be readily altered. For papers that will be printed using professional printing techniques, the PDF format is also beneficial. Note: Excel 2007 does not support this format.

Open document spreadsheet

Extension: .ods

The spreadsheet in OpenDocument. You can save Excel 2010 files so they can be opened in spreadsheet software like Google Docs and OpenOffice.org Calc which supports the OpenDocument Spreadsheet format. Additionally, Excel 2010 supports opening spreadsheets in the. ods format. When. ods, files are opened and saved, and formatting could be lost.

DBF 3, DBF 4

Extension: .dbf

The database management system program dBASE uses a standard database file called a DBF. It divides the information into several records with fields kept in an array data type. Due to the ubiquity of the file format, other “xBase” database tools are also compatible with DBF files. DBF files have been extensively embraced as a standard storage format for structured data in business applications due to their early adoption in the database community and a very simple file layout.

XPS Document

Extension: .xps

XML paper specification files are the ones with the .XPS suffix. These files have a predefined layout and are used to safeguard the accuracy of the data they contain. The sole distinction between them and the well-known PDF file format is the .XPS format’s usage of XML standards for its file structure. The data in your file may be read, shared, and modified using XPS files, which are simple to distribute online. It has become a well-liked substitute for the PDF file format as a result. Any software that runs on Windows and has printing capabilities may produce XPS files.

File Formats in MS Excel

Microsoft created and released the spreadsheet program known as Excel. It comes from the Microsoft Office family of productivity programs. Excel groups data into columns and rows as opposed to a word processor like Microsoft Word. A cell is a location where rows and columns cross. Data, such as text, a number, or a formula, are contained in each cell. They might not be able to display every feature of a file, programs that are compatible with a file format can present an overview of a file. When we want to save our files, we will have numerous file formats including Excel workbooks, templates, etc. These file formats are divided into various types, including Excel, Word, and PowerPoint presentations.

File formats in Excel are of various types, but to determine how many formats exist in Excel, we must follow the procedure outlined below: 

Step 1: Click on the file option at the top of the ribbon.


Step 2: Select the Save As option. The Workbook can be saved on local devices (like a computer) and the internet (e.g. OneDrive).


Step 3: Click on the option Browse and save as the dialog box opens. 


Step 4: Choose the Save As option and you will see a list of file formats. Depending on the type of active Worksheet in your Workbook, several file types will be displayed (Data Worksheet, Chart Worksheet, or another type of Worksheet).


Step 5: Select the desired file format by clicking.

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