Organic Chemical Reaction Mechanism

There are quite a few common electron displacement effects in substrate molecules: it is a long-lasting effect that develops whenever an electron-withdrawing group or an electron-giving group is joined to a chain of singly linked carbon atoms. The inductive effect, also known as the I effect, is the displacement of sigma-electrons along a saturated carbon chain as a result of the presence of an electron-withdrawing group or an electron-repelling group at one end of the chain, which leads to the development of partial positive or partial negative charges in decreasing order of magnitude.

The Shapes of Carbon Compounds 

Tetravalent carbon atom is the building block of structural organic chemistry. Tetravalent means it can form four bonds and its valency is four. Carbon follows the octet rule and forms four bonds with other elements or other carbon atoms. This is referred to as carbon tetravalency. The four hydrogen atoms, with four carbon atoms, form a structure known as a tetrahedron. 

Functional Groups 

A functional group is a group of atoms or bonds within a substance that is responsible for the substance’s distinctive chemical reactions. These groups were introduced as a useful method for maintaining these numerous compounds because chemical reactions occur in the functional group and compounds with the same functional group undergo similar reactions. 

Homologous series

In this series, a group of carbon compounds are represented by general formula (e.g. alkanes – CnH2n+2) and have similar chemical properties. Every succeeding member differs from the previous one in this series. 

Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques

Organic Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of the structure, properties, composition, and reaction of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. It is the science of organic compounds and it started about 200-225 years ago. It is the branch of chemistry that deals with the scientific study of organic compounds (compounds that contain covalently bonded carbon atoms). In this, the structure and chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, and chemical reactions of these hydrocarbons are studied. Carbon forms bonds with itself and with other elements or compounds to form long chains of hydrocarbons. E.g. Methane (CH4) and Ethane (CH3-CH3).

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Organic Chemical Reaction Mechanism

There are quite a few common electron displacement effects in substrate molecules: it is a long-lasting effect that develops whenever an electron-withdrawing group or an electron-giving group is joined to a chain of singly linked carbon atoms. The inductive effect, also known as the I effect, is the displacement of sigma-electrons along a saturated carbon chain as a result of the presence of an electron-withdrawing group or an electron-repelling group at one end of the chain, which leads to the development of partial positive or partial negative charges in decreasing order of magnitude....

Importance of Organic Chemistry

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FAQs on Organic Chemistry

Question 1: What is meant by organic compounds?...

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