Operation of Transformer on Load

Here is the operation of an electrical transformer operation under loaded condition:

  • An electrical input supply voltage V1 is connected across the primary winding. Due to the application of this voltage an electric current I1 will starting flowing in the primary winding and sets up a magnetic flux in the core as shown in the above figure.
  • This magnetic flux follows a path through the core and links to the secondary winding.
  • An EMF E2 is induced in the secondary winding that developers a voltage V2 across its terminals.
  • When a load is connected between the secondary winding terminals, a current will flow in the secondary winding and load circuit which is denoted by I2.
  • The secondary winding current also induces a counter magnetic flux that reduces the main flux in the core. But the main flux must be maintained at a constant value for operation of the transformer.
  • Thus, an additional current is taken by the primary winding from the supply to cancel out the demagnetizing effect of secondary winding current. This is represented by I’1 which is in-phase with the secondary winding current (I2). Thus, the total current flowing in the primary winding under loaded condition of the transformer is I’1.

Therefore, if N1 and N2 are the primary and secondary winding turns and I’1 and I2 are the primary and secondary currents, then the EMF balance equation of the transformer on load is given by,

[Tex]N_1 I’_1 = N_2 I_2 [/Tex]

Hence, the primary winding current will be,

[Tex]I’_1 = (\frac{N_2}{N_1})I_2 = kI_2 [/Tex]

Also, the total primary winding current (I1) has two main components namely,

  • No-load component – to set up main magnetic flux in the core and supply the losses.
  • Counter balancing component – to overcome the effect of secondary winding current.

Thus, the total primary winding current of the transformer on load condition is given by,

[Tex]\bold{I_1 = I_0 + I’_1} [/Tex]

The bold facing letter denotes the phasor sum of current components.

In practice, the transformers mostly have inductive loads. So, let’s assume the load connected across the secondary of the transformer and draw the phasor diagram of it on load condition.

Phasor Diagram of Transformer on Load

Phasor Diagram Explanation

The steps given below are to be followed to draw the phasor diagram of the transformer on load:

Step (1) : Taking main magnetic flux (ϕ) as the reference axis.

Step (2) : This magnetic flux induces EMFs E1 and E2 in primary and secondary windings. Hence, E1 and E2 lags the flux (ϕ) by an angle of 90°.

Step (3) : The applied voltage across the primary winding is utilized in three components namely, to induce emf E1, voltage drop in primary winding resistance I1R1, and voltage drop in primary winding reactance I1X1. Hence, the primary winding voltage V1 is the phasor sum of voltage component corresponding to E1 and the voltage drops in primary winding.

Step (4) : If ϕ1 is the power factor angle of the primary winding, then the current I1 will lag the voltage V1 by ϕ1. It is the phasor sum of no-load current I0 (lags the supply voltage by 90°) and counter balancing current I’1 (in anti-phase with the secondary voltage V2).

Step (5) : The secondary winding EMF E2 is the phasor sum of voltage V2 and the voltage drops in secondary winding resistance and reactance.

Step (6) : The magnitude and phase angle of the load current or secondary current I2 depends on the load connected to the transformer. As in this case, we are assuming an inductive load, hence the load current I2 will lag the voltage V2. If the load is capacitive, the load current will lead the voltage V2.

Thus, when we operate a transformer on load condition, it takes both no-load current and current required to handle the load connected across its secondary winding.

Let us now understand the theory of transformer on load with two other load conditions

  • Transformer on load with purely resistive load
  • Transformer on load with purely inductive load
  • Transformer on load with purely capacitive load

Transformer on Load with Purely Resistive Load

When a purely resistive load is connected across the secondary winding of a transformer, it draws only active current from the transformer. The resistive load creates a phase difference of 0° between the load current and the secondary winding voltage.

The phasor diagram of the transformer on load with purely resistive load is shown in the following figure.

Transformer on Load with Purely Inductive Load

When a purely inductive load is connected across the secondary winding of the transformer. It cause a phase different of exactly 90° between the secondary voltage and load current.

The phasor diagram of a transformer on load with purely inductive load is shown in the following figure. It can be observed that the load current I2 lags the secondary voltage V2 by an angle of 90°.

Transformer on Load with Purely Inductive Load

Transformer on Load with Purely Capacitive Load

When a purely capacitive load is attached to the secondary winding of the transformer, it draws a leading current from the secondary winding. This causes a phase difference of 90° between the load current and the secondary voltage. Where, the load current I2 leads the secondary voltage V2 by an angle of 90° as shown in the following phasor diagram.

Transformer on Load with Purely Capacitive Load

Till this section of the article, we have discussed about the operation of a practical transformer on no-load and on-load (with resistive load, inductive load, and capacitive load).

Also, we have analyzed a practical transformer on load with winding resistances and leakage reactances. However, there can be three other possible cases, they are:

  • Transformer on Load with No Winding Resistances and Leakage Reactances
  • Transformer on Load with Winding Resistances but No Leakage Reactances
  • Transformer on Load with Leakage Reactances but No Winding Resistances

Let us understand these three cases of transformer operation on load in detail.

Transformer on Load with No Winding Resistances and Leakage Reactances

When we consider a transformer on load with no winding resistances and leakage reactances, then its electrical circuit will look like as shown in the following figure.

Transformer on Load Having No Winding Resistance and Reactance

In this case, there are no voltage drops due to resistances and leakage reactances of the windings. Thus, the terminal voltages and induced emfs are equal i.e.,

E1 = V1 and E2 = V2

If we consider a practical inductive load connected across the secondary winding, then the load current I2 will lags behind the secondary winding voltage V2 by an angle of ϕ2. Where, ϕ2 is the power factor angle of the load.

In this condition, the primary winding current I1 will supply the following two things:

  • It supplies the no-load current I0 to establish magnetic flux in the core and iron losses.
  • It cancel out the demagnetising effect of the secondary winding current.

Therefore, the primary winding current is given by,

[Tex]\bold{I_1 = I_0 + I_1′} [/Tex]

Here, the component I’1 is the counter balance current of the secondary winding current.

If we draw the phasor diagram for this case of the transformer on load, then it will look like as shown below.

Phasor of Transformer having No Winding Resistance and Leakage Reactance

In this phasor diagram, the secondary winding voltage V2 is equal to the secondary winding emf E2 and they are in-phase. While, the primary winding voltage V1 is equal to the primary winding emf E1 but they are out of phase with each other. The primary winding current is the phasor sum of I0 and I’1.

Transformer on Load with Winding Resistances but No Leakage Reactances

The circuit diagram of a transformer on load having winding resistances but no leakage reactances is shown below.

Transformer on Load with Winding Resistance but No Leakage Reactance

In this circuit diagram, the resistors R1 and R2 represent the primary and secondary winding resistances. A practical inductive load is connected across the secondary winding terminals.

When the input voltage V1 is connected to the primary winding, there will be a voltage drop in the primary winding resistance R1 and the secondary winding resistance R2.

Therefore, we get the following equations of the voltages,

[Tex]V_1 = E_1 + I_1 R_1 [/Tex]


[Tex]E_2 = V_2 + I_2 R_2 [/Tex]

The phasor diagram for this case of transformer on load is depicted in the following figure.

Phasor of Transformer having Winding Resistance but No Leakage Reactance

Transformer on Load with Leakage Reactances but No Winding Resistances

The circuit diagram of a transformer on load having leakage reactances only and not having the winding resistances is shown in the figure.

Transformer on Load Having Leakage Reactance but No Winding Resistance

Here, X1 and X2 represents the leakage reactances of the primary and secondary windings respectively.

The voltage equations are given by,

[Tex]V_1 = E_1 + I_1 X_1 [/Tex]


[Tex]E_2 = V_2 + I_2 X_2 [/Tex]

The phasor diagram for this case of transformer on load is depicted below. Where, we have considered a practical inductive load.

Phasor Diagram of Transformer on Load Having Leakage Reactance but No Winding Resistance

Theory of Transformer on Load and No Load Operation

In this article, we will study the theory of transformer on load and no load operation. A transformer is a static electrical machine used to increase or decrease the value of voltage and current in an electrical circuit. The transformer operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction and mutual inductance. A transformer typically consists of two copper winding and a magnetic core. The windings are named as primary winding and secondary winding. The input supply is connected to the primary winding and the output electrical supply is taken from the secondary winding. Hence, the secondary winding is one to which the electrical load is connected.

Let us understand the operation of a transformer on load and no-load conditions.

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