Operation in Vector

The different operations performed with vector quantities are tabulated below with their notation and illustration.


Vector Addition

r1 + r2

Addition of two vectors gives a vector

Scalar Multiplication


Multiplying a vector ‘r1‘ with scalar ‘q’ result in a vector

Dot Product

r1 · r2

Dot product of two vectors gives a scalar

Cross Product

r1 ⨯ r2

Cross product of two vectors gives a vector

Scalar Triple Product

r1 · (r2 ⨯ r3)

Dot Product of Cross product of two vectors

Vector Triple Product

r1 ⨯ (r2 ⨯ r3)

Cross Product of Cross Product of two Vectors

Vector Calculus in Maths

Vector Calculus in maths is a sub-division of Calculus that deals with the differentiation and integration of Vector Functions. We already know that Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with the rate of change of a function concerning another function. There are two major divisions of Calculus namely, Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus.

The branch of Differential Calculus deals with the process of finding derivatives or differentiation of functions while Integral Calculus deals with finding the antiderivative of a function whose derivative is given. In this article, we will learn in detail about Vector Calculus which is a lesser-known branch of calculus, and the basic formulas of Vector Calculus.

In this article, you are going to read everything about what is vector calculus in engineering mathematics, vector calculus formulas, vector analysis, etc.

Table of Content

  • What is Vector Calculus?
  • Operation in Vector
  • Divergence and Curl
  • Vector Calculus Formulas
  • Vector Calculus Identities
  • Vector Calculus Applications
  • Solved Examples
  • FAQs

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