Online Coding Round (On Co-Cubes) :-

Three questions were given in 75 minutes of time to solve. Solving on co – cubes platform is a nightmare by the way, no auto – completion, cannot even copy – paste or test your code manually.

  • Question 1 (2 – Marks) : Given a singly linked list, with some positive numbers (valid numbers) and zeros (invalid numbers). Convert the linked list in such a way that if next valid number is same as current number, double its value and replace the next number with 0. After the modification, rearrange the linked – list such that all 0’s are shifted to the end.
    E.g.    2 -> 2 -> 0 -> 4 -> 0 -> 8
    Ans: – 4 -> 4 -> 8 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0
  • Question 2 (3 – Marks) : I do not remember. It was array – based.
  • Question 3 (5 – Marks) : Write a function that accepts root of binary tree as its argument and return the sum of all leaf nodes at maximum depth from root.
    ……………/   \  
    ……….  /  \
    Ans :- 2 + 1 = 3

The system testing of solutions was done after your submission of all 3 questions, and result is not shown to you (whether all 3 went correct or not). You were however given a very weak test case on co-cubes to check your solution, which easily showed false positive.
You have to solve ALL 3 questions to qualify this round.
All students who qualified coding round were invited to Microsoft Hyderabad for further interview process.

Microsoft IDC Interview Experience | Set 156 (Off-Campus for Full Time)

I applied to Microsoft through referral program for full – time position of software development engineer. All of the candidates who applied through referral were invited for an online coding test on co-cubes platform after 2-3 weeks.

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