Objects in Dart

Objects are the instance of the class and they are declared by using a new keyword followed by the class name.


var object_name = new class_name([ arguments ]);

In the above syntax:  

  • new is the keyword use to declare the instance of the class
  • object_name is the name of the object and its naming is similar to the variable name in dart.
  • class_name is the name of the class whose instance variable is been created.
  • arguments are the input which are needed to be pass if we are willing to call a constructor.

After the object is created, there will be the need to access the fields which we will create. We use the dot(.) operator for that purpose.


 // For accessing the property

// For accessing the method

Dart – Classes And Objects

Dart is an object-oriented programming language, so it supports the concept of class, object … etc. In Dart, we can define classes and objects of our own. We use the class keyword to do so. Dart supports object-oriented programming features like classes and interfaces.

Let us learn about Dart Classes and Objects in this article.

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