Objectives of the SCO

  • Enhancing neighborliness and respect between the member states.
  • Encouraging efficient collaboration in the fields of politics, trade, the economy, science, and culture.
  • Strengthening connections in areas such as environmental protection, energy, transportation, and tourism.
  • Maintain and uphold the region’s peace, security, and stability.
  • Creation of a new international political and economic order that is democratic, fair, and logical.

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

An Eurasian political, economic, and military organisation is known as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The Shanghai Five, which was founded by the presidents of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan in 1996, was renamed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2001. On September 19, 2003, the SCO came into effect. Since its founding in 2001, the SCO has mostly concentrated on issues related to regional security, its struggle against local terrorism, ethnic secession, and religious extremism. Regional development is one of the SCO’s current top priorities. Since 2005, the SCO has participated in the UN General Assembly as an observer. It is viewed as a counterweight to NATO and is a nine-member economic and security bloc that has grown to be one of the biggest trans-regional international organisations. The SCO is recognized as one of the most important summits in the Central Asian region, where other nations have strong interests in commerce, connectivity, and resource extraction. More than 60% of Eurasia’s land area, 40% of the world’s population, and more than 30% of the world’s GDP are all accounted for by it. China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Iran are among the SCO’s nine current members. Iran has joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which was recently expanded to include permanent members at its summit in Uzbekistan in 2022.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) 2022 just convened a conference in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The Samarkand Declaration was signed by the signatory states. After India took over from Uzbekistan as chair of the eight-nation organisation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to host the summit in 2023.

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Objectives of the SCO:

Enhancing neighborliness and respect between the member states. Encouraging efficient collaboration in the fields of politics, trade, the economy, science, and culture. Strengthening connections in areas such as environmental protection, energy, transportation, and tourism. Maintain and uphold the region’s peace, security, and stability. Creation of a new international political and economic order that is democratic, fair, and logical....

Opportunities for India During the SCO Summit:

SCO shows promise in a number of areas where all the member countries may find common interests. In order to improve collaboration in traditional medicine, research and technology, as well as startups and innovation, India has already made substantial steps. The fact that India will take over the SCO’s rotating annual chairmanship at the conclusion of the summit makes this edition of the summit particularly significant. As a loud advocate for regional and trans-regional connectivity, New Delhi may use the SCO to pressure Pakistan to change its position and strategy on tying together Central Asia and South Asia. It can also serve as a platform for India to promote the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and the Chabahar Port Project . India’s SCO membership has the potential to advance connectivity, stability across borders, and regional integration. Iran’s admission to the SCO will strengthen India’s outreach in the Eurasian region and ensure effective communication between India and Iran. India too maintains that some degree of the world’s energy security will be addressed by Iranian oil’s admission into the market....

Challenges for SCO:

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