Objectives of Eco Mark

  • To reduce the burdens on the environment, this scheme provides incentives to the manufacturers.
  • Under this scheme, the manufacturers are rewarded for their eco-friendly products.
  • Under this scheme, consumers are taught about the responsibility for the environment and provides them with information to purchase environmentally friendly products.
    Moreover, the ultimate aim  of the scheme is to improve the quality of the environment and to encourage the sustainable management of resources.

Eco Mark : Bureau of Indian Standards

Under the Ministry of Environmental, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India has launched a scheme, called “Ecomark” or ” Eco  Mark” scheme. It is a certification mark that labeling on the eco-friendly products. The scheme is maintained on a national basis and providing authentication and labeling for households and other consumer products that meet certain environmental criteria, which the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)  has to standardize.

Any product that significantly reduces the damage to the environment during production,  used or disposed of in a way  is classified as an environmentally friendly product. The scheme invites participation from general citizens and related industrial sectors on a voluntary basis and in the larger interest of the environment.

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What is Eco Mark?

In 1991, the government of India first launched the Eco Mark scheme to aware consumer about the benefits of eco-friendly products.  Under this scheme, 16 products have been identified, such as Soaps and detergents, Paints, Paper, Food items Food additives and preservatives Wood Substances, Textiles, Batteries, Lubricating oil , Packaging, Plastics, Aerosols, Cosmetics, Pesticides & drugs, Electronic goods, Vegetable Oils. The presence of the ECO logo on a product indicates that it complies with certain environmental standards as well as the quality requirements set out in the appropriate Indian standards....

Objectives of Eco Mark:

To reduce the burdens on the environment, this scheme provides incentives to the manufacturers. Under this scheme, the manufacturers are rewarded for their eco-friendly products. Under this scheme, consumers are taught about the responsibility for the environment and provides them with information to purchase environmentally friendly products.Moreover, the ultimate aim  of the scheme is to improve the quality of the environment and to encourage the sustainable management of resources....

How Eco Mark Works?

Parameters of Ecomark products are established by Bureau of Indian standard(BIS) act. Under this act, BIS gives access  or certify products as Eco Mark product.  They can also suspend, renew or cancel the license of the products if the quality of the product can’t be satisfied by them. Eco certification must bear ISI mark for its safety measurements except leather products.  To check the Eco quality of the product and proper implementation of the BIS law on Eco product, Bureau of Indian standard (BIS) conducts a regular inspection....

Features of Eco Mark:

The ECO Mark scheme is applicable across the country and provides certification to the items that meet a set of environmental requirements and quality levels, established by  the Bureau of Indian standards.   BIS has added additional ECO Mark criteria to the relevant Indian standards to run the scheme.The Bureau of Indian Standards Act, Rules, and Regulations framed thereunder shall govern the terms and conditions governing the operation of the license.  Manufacturers apply for testing and certification of products that fit into recognized categories in terms of conformity with environmental standards published in the prescribed form under the Eco Mark program.   The BIS Act, 2016, and the rules made thereunder govern the terms and conditions governing license proceedings including fees.  BIS will be responsible for testing and certification. BIS will normally complete the certification process within three months for product categories that carry the Indian Standard Mark....

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