Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm

OOPS mainly revolves around the concept of objects. Objects are the constructing blocks of an OOPS application, representing actual entities and their interactions within the software. These items own attributes and behaviors encapsulated inside them, making them a self-contained unit having functionality. The paradigm emphasizes 4 essential principles:

Object Oriented Paradigm


Objects are instances of classes, encapsulating data (attributes) and behaviors (method) right into a cohesive unit. Objects version real-world entities, making it less complicated to understand and solve complicated problems.

Suppose a situation wherein object can represent numerous entities within the zoo, which include animals, enclosures, and zookeepers. Each animal (e.g., lion, elephant) and every enclosure in the zoo can be taken into consideration as objects.


Classes serve as blueprints or templates for creating object. They define the shape (attributes) and behavior (method) that object of the class will use. Classes promote reusability, permitting developers to create a couple of item primarily based mostly on same template.


The Car class may have attributes like coloration and model, and behavior like start_engine() and stop_engine().


Encapsulation refers back to the bundling of data and methods that perform at the data into a single unit called as class. It ensures data safety by the use of limiting get entry to to certain attributes and methods. It hides the internal state of the object from the outside world and let and access through public method (getters and setters). Encapsulation helps in data hiding, lowering the complexity, and increasing security.


In this case, the magnificence Car encapsulates data attributes emblem and version, imparting a public interface method get_info() to access the statistics.

Data Abstraction

Data abstraction in the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a precept that allows programmers to symbolize the relevant information of a data at the same time as hiding the complicated implementation info. It permits the introduction of summary information sorts that may be used to model actual entities in the software gadget.


Inheritance is a mechanism in object-oriented programming that allows one class (child or subclass) to inherit the properties and behaviors (method and attributes) of any other class (superclass). It promotes code reusability and establishes a relationship between classes. The child class can override or increase the method and attributes of the parent class, permitting the advent of specialized class from general ones.


Polymorphism permits objects of various classes to be dealt as object of a common superclass. It enables method to do various things primarily based on the object acting upon.

There are two sorts of polymorphism:

  • Compile time polymorphism (executed through method overloading and operator overloading)
  • Runtime polymorphism (finished through method overriding).

Polymorphism simplifies the programming by way of permitting the same interface for one of a kind information kinds or objects.

Example of Polymorphism and Inheritance: In this case, the Vehicle class acts as a superclass, and Car and Motorcycle are subclasses inheriting the flow() method. Polymorphism permits both gadgets to be handled as Vehicle objects, allowing dynamic technique binding.

Object Oriented Programming | HCI

In computer programming, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) stands out as a paradigm that has converted the manner software program is conceptualized and built. OOP is based on foremost and concepts and plays a crucial role in the introduction of efficient and adaptable software solutions. This article delves into the center additives of OOP, elucidating its essential requirements and demonstrating their software via real-global examples.

Important Topics for Object Oriented Programming

  • Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm
  • What are the Characteristics of OOPS
  • What are the Application of Object orientated programming
  • Object-Oriented Modeling
  • Object-Oriented Modeling of User Interface Design
  • Difference between Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm and Object-Oriented Modeling
  • Conclusion

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