Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

What are non-conventional sources of energy?

Non-conventional or renewable energy sources are natural energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal energy. These sources are sustainable and eco-friendly, often used to produce clean energy without pollution​ (Toppr)​.

Why are non-conventional energy sources important?

With the depletion of conventional fuels like coal and oil, non-conventional sources are crucial for sustainable energy development. They help reduce reliance on fossil fuels, decrease pollution, and mitigate climate change effects​ (Toppr)​.

What are the advantages of solar energy?

Solar energy is abundant and non-polluting, playing a crucial role in electricity generation and heating. Solar panels require minimal maintenance and can last up to 25 years. They are particularly important for remote and rural areas where other energy sources might be less feasible​ (Toppr)​.

What challenges does wind energy face?

While wind energy is a significant renewable resource, it requires specific locations with strong winds for optimal operation. Maintenance can be costly, and wind farms are often located far from urban centers where electricity is needed. Additionally, they can impact local wildlife and cause noise pollution​ (Toppr)​.

How does geothermal energy work?

Geothermal energy involves harnessing the Earth’s internal heat for electricity and heating. This source is considered sustainable and has a low environmental impact since it doesn’t produce significant greenhouse gases. However, the initial setup and infrastructure required can be costly​ (Unacademy)​.

What is the potential of tidal energy?

Tidal energy utilizes the movement of water caused by tides to generate electricity. It’s a predictable source of energy but the technology to harness it is still developing and can be expensive. Tidal installations can also impact marine ecosystems and require significant investment​ (​​ (PMFIAS)​.

What are the conditions for a source of energy to be a good source of energy?

A source of energy is considered to be good source of energy if,

  • Easily accessible
  • Easy to store and transport
  • Economical

Can any source of energy be completely pollution free? Why and why not?

No, any source of energy cannot be totally pollution free. This is because the process of producing energy may not cause pollution, but the production of devices required may cause pollution. Like solar energy is green but the making of solar cells cause pollution. Likewise, nuclear energy may not cause pollution but the e-waste generated after the fission reactions are harmful and cause health hazards. Still, they are much cleaner than non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels, coal etc.

Name and define the process used for producing electricity using nuclear energy.

The process used for producing electricity from nuclear energy is Nuclear Fission.

Nuclear Fission: Nuclear Fission is the process in which one heavy nucleus splits into two light nuclei of almost equal mass and producing enormous amount of energy in the form of heat and light.

State two advantages and limitations of producing electricity from solar energy.

Advantages of solar energy:

  • It is a green source of energy as it causes no pollution to the environment.
  • It is widely available and will lasts for millions of years, and therefore it is more reliable form of energy rather than fossil fuels and coal.

Disadvantages of solar energy:

  • The cost of solar panel is too high, so all cannot afford it.
  • Installation of solar panels requires a lot of open space which receives good sunlight. Thus, it cannot be set up anywhere.

Why is wood as a fuel not advisable, although wood is considered to be a renewable source of energy?  

The use of wood as fuel is not advisable because:

  • Forests once lost in the extraction of wood takes about 15-20 years to restore, which is quite a long period of time. Thus, the wood once lost cannot be renewed immediately.
  • The burning of wood releases several greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane which causes greenhouse effect and the smoke causes air pollution.

How all the living beings on our planet are dependent directly or indirectly on our sun for survival?

Sun is called the ultimate source of energy in our planet because plants require sunlight to produce food using photosynthesis. Now, this process has two crucial importance, first, it provides all the animals in this planet including us food, secondly, it releases oxygen which is the life –supporting gas for the survival of all living beings. Sun also heats our planet which is creates a suitable temperature in our planet for living. Sun’s heating is the cause of winds and waves in our planet. Sun’s gravitational pull causes tides which is an important part of our ecosystem and also an important renewable source of energy. Thus, it is very clear that we all depend on sun directly or indirectly for our survival.  

Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

Can you picture driving a car that is powered by water? Or one that is powered by the Sun? The fact is that you may have to become used to such outlandish thoughts. Conventional fuels are increasingly running out, while non-conventional energy sources are becoming our future. And, in order to run them, let us study more about non-conventional energy sources. 

Energy is a critical component of the economic infrastructure, as it is the primary input required to support economic growth. Economic development and energy usage have a close relationship. The greater a country’s per capita energy usage, the more developed it is, and vice versa. Human civilization is reliant on a variety of energy sources. In this article, we will discuss the non-conventional sources of energy and their usage, advantages, and disadvantages. Before, that let’s first understand what is energy.

Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

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