Nobel Prize 2023 Winner in Chemistry






Chemistry Moungi G. Bawendi United States Massachusetts Institute of Technology 61
Chemistry Louis E. Brus United States Columbia University 79
Chemistry Aleksey M. Yekimov Russia Russian Academy of Sciences 5

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2023 was awarded to Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus, and Aleksey Yekimov for their seminal work in the discovery and development of quantum dots. These are nanoparticles with unique properties, primarily determined by their size, which have become crucial components in various technological applications.

Moungi G. Bawendi was born in 1961 in Paris, France. He earned his Ph.D. in 1988 from the University of Chicago and currently serves as a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA, USA. Louis E. Brus, born in 1943 in Cleveland, OH, USA, received his Ph.D. in 1969 from Columbia University, where he is now a professor. Aleksey Yekimov, born in 1945 in the former USSR, obtained his Ph.D. in 1974 from the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and was formerly the Chief Scientist at Nanocrystals Technology Inc. in New York, NY, USA​​.

The award recognizes their individual contributions to this field. In the early 1980s, Yekimov created size-dependent quantum effects in colored glass, demonstrating how the size of nanoparticles of copper chloride affected the glass’s color via quantum effects. Louis Brus then became the first scientist to prove size-dependent quantum effects in particles floating freely in a fluid. Moungi Bawendi’s work in 1993 revolutionized the chemical production of quantum dots, producing almost perfect particles necessary for various applications​​.

Quantum dots have found their way into many practical applications, such as illuminating computer monitors and television screens based on QLED technology, adding nuance to some LED lamps, and aiding biochemists and doctors in mapping biological tissue. Their potential extends further, with possibilities in flexible electronics, tiny sensors, thinner solar cells, and encrypted quantum communication, indicating that we are only beginning to explore the full potential of these tiny particles​​.

What is Quantum dots?

Quantum dots are tiny semiconductor particles that have unique properties. They are made up of just a few hundred to a few thousand atoms, and their size determines their color. Quantum dots emit light when they are excited with light or electricity, and the color of the light they emit depends on their size. This makes them ideal for use in displays, where they can be used to create a wide range of colors.

This achievement marks a significant advancement in nanotechnology, demonstrating how properties at the nano-scale can lead to groundbreaking applications in various fields.

Nobel Prize 2023 Winners List: Physics, Economics, Chemistry, and More

Nobel Prize Winners 2023 List: Like every year, the names of Nobel Prize 2023 winners have been announced by the two committees in the month of October. The prize money for these awards comes from the will of Alfred Nobel. Continue reading for the detailed list of all the Nobel Prize winners in 2023 and their contributions.

Nobel Winners List 2023

Table of Content

  • Nobel Prize 2023 Winners List UPSC
  • List of Nobel Prize 2023 Winners List
  • Nobel Prize 2023 Winner in Physics
  • Nobel Prize 2023 Winner in Physiology or Medicine
  • Nobel Prize 2023 Winner in Chemistry
  • Nobel Prize 2023 Winner in Literature
  • Nobel Prize 2023 Winner in Peace
  • Nobel Prize 2023 Winner in Economic Sciences
  • Members of Nobel Committee
  • Nobel Prize 2023 Amount in Rupees

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