Newton’s Method vs Other Optimization Algorithms

Now, we compare Newton’s Method with some other popular optimization algorithms.


Newton’s Method

Gradient Descent (GD)

Quasi-Newton Methods

Genetic Algorithms

Convergence Rate



Faster than GD and slower than Newton’s

Typically slower than gradient-based methods

Initialization Sensitivity


Less Sensitive

Less Sensitive

Less Sensitive

Memory Requirement





Derivative Requirement

First and second order derivatives

First order derivatives

First order derivatives

Doesn’t require derivatives

Optimizer Type










Newton’s method in Machine Learning

Optimization algorithms are essential tools across various fields, ranging from engineering and computer science to economics and physics. Among these algorithms, Newton’s method holds a significant place due to its efficiency and effectiveness in finding the roots of equations and optimizing functions, here in this article we will study more about Newton’s method and it’s use in machine learning.

Table of Content

  • Newton’s Method for Optimization
  • Second-Order Approximation
  • Newton’s Method for Finding Local Minima or Maxima in Python
  • Convergence Properties of Newton’s Method
  • Complexity of Newton’s Method
  • Time Complexity of Newton’s Method
  • Parameter Estimation in Logistic Regression using Newton’s Method
  • Data Fitting with Newton’s Method
  • Newton’s Method vs Other Optimization Algorithms
  • Applications of Newton’s Method

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