Nested Loaders

Nested loaders are useful when we are parsing values, that are related, from the subsection of a document. Without them, we need to mention the entire XPath or CSS path, of the data we want to extract. Consider, the following HTML footer example  –


# Create loader object
loader = ItemLoader(item=Item())
# Item loader method for phoneno,
# mention the field name and xpath expression
                 '//footer/a[@class = "phoneno"]/@href')
# Item loader method for map,
# mention the field name and xpath expression
                 '//footer/a[@class = "map"]/@href')
# populate the item

Using nested loaders, we can avoid, using the nested footer selector, as follows: 


# Define Item Loader object by passing item
loader = ItemLoader(item=Item())
# Create nested loader with footer selector
footer_loader = loader.nested_xpath('//footer')
# Add phoneno xpath values relative to the footer
footer_loader.add_xpath('phoneno', 'a[@class = "phoneno"]/@href')
# Add map xpath values relative to the footer
footer_loader.add_xpath('map', 'a[@class = "map"]/@href')
# Call loader.load_item() to populate values

Please note the following points about nested loaders:

  • They work with CSS and XPath selectors.
  • They can be nested randomly.
  • They can make the code look simpler.
    • Do not use them needlessly, else the parser can get difficult to read.

Scrapy – Item Loaders

In this article, we are going to discuss Item Loaders in Scrapy.

Scrapy is used for extracting data, using spiders, that crawl through the website. The obtained data can also be processed, in the form, of Scrapy Items. The Item Loaders play a significant role, in parsing the data, before populating the Item fields.  In this article, we will learn about Item Loaders.

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Introduction to Item Loaders


How do Item Loaders work?


Built-in processors:

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Item Loader Objects

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Following are the methods available for ItemLoader objects:

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Nested Loaders


Reusing and Extending Item Loaders


Declaring Custom Item Loaders Processors


Implementing Item Loaders to Parse Data:


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