MySQL Update Multiple Columns

The UPDATE statement allows users to modify the values of specific columns in existing records.

Users need to identify the new values for each column in the SET clause and establish the criteria for which records to update using the WHERE clause.


– – MySQL syntax to update multiple columns with one query

UPDATE your_table
column1 = value1,
column2 = value2,

– – Additional columns and values as needed



  • Identify the Table: Begin by specifying the table, referred to as your_table, which contains the records you intend to update.
  • Set New Values: Within the SET clause, outline the new values for each column that requires modification. For instance, if you want to update column1 with value1 and column2 with value2, you include these assignments here. Add more columns and values as necessary.
  • Specify Conditions: The WHERE clause comes into play to set conditions for the records to be updated. It’s crucial to define these conditions accurately; otherwise, all records in the table will be updated.

How To Update Multiple Columns in MySQL?

To update multiple columns in MySQL we can use the SET clause in the UPDATE statement. SET clause allows users to update values of multiple columns at a time.

In this article, we will learn how to update multiple columns in MySQL using UPDATE and SET commands. We will cover the syntax and examples, providing explanations to help you understand how to update multiple columns in SQL with a single query.

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