My JEE Exam Experience

Preparation Phase

The journey towards the JEE exam started in my 11th grade when I understood what was ahead. I took up Aakash online coaching program that provided me with a systematic way of approaching it. Although it seemed impossible to balance school, coaching and self-study; l was determined to give it my all

A comprehensive Aakash online platform comprised not only recorded lectures but also live sessions as well as numerous practice questions. Flexibility was the main thing that l liked about the platform—it allowed me to repeat difficult topics as many times as possible. The doubt-clearing sessions were very helpful since they helped me clear any misconceptions.

Balancing school work and board exam preparation with JEE coaching required meticulous time management. To achieve this, I created a timetable which highlighted specific hours for: high school homework, preparations for boards exams and studies for JEE exams. On weekends we would have extensive mock tests and practice on our JEE exams. The Aakash mock tests were very useful in evaluating where l stand in terms of my level of preparation and improving my time management skills.

Post-Examination Phase

Walking out of the exam hall, I felt a mixture of relief and apprehension. I knew I had given my best, but the wait for results was nerve-wracking. To keep myself occupied, I focused on my 12th board exams, which were just around the corner. Preparing for the boards helped distract me from overanalyzing my performance in the JEE exam.

When the results were finally announced, I was elated to see that my efforts had paid off. My JEE score was above my expectations, and my board exam results were equally satisfying. It felt like a validation of all the hard work and sacrifices made over the past two years.

The next step was deciding on the college and branch. After discussing with my family and mentors, I chose a reputable engineering college that aligned with my interests and career goals. Looking back, the journey was challenging but incredibly rewarding. The experience taught me resilience, discipline, and the importance of a balanced approach to handling multiple responsibilities.

Overall, the combination of Aakash online coaching, consistent school attendance, and dedicated board exam preparation paved the way for my success in the JEE exam. It was a roller-coaster ride, but every moment was worth it.

JEE Exam Experience

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Preparation Phase

The journey towards the JEE exam started in my 11th grade when I understood what was ahead. I took up Aakash online coaching program that provided me with a systematic way of approaching it. Although it seemed impossible to balance school, coaching and self-study; l was determined to give it my all....

My JEE Exam Experience

Preparation Phase...

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