mutate() Function in R

mutate() function in R Programming Language is used to add new variables in a data frame which are formed by performing operations on existing variables.


mutate(x, expr)


x: Data Frame

expr: operation on variables

Types of mutate() Function in R

In R there are five types of main function for mutate that are discribe as below. we will use dplyr package in R for all mutate functions.

  • mutate() 
  • transmute() 
  • mutate_all() 
  • mutate_at() 
  • mutate_if() 

mutate() Function in R


# R program to add new variables
# in a data frame
# Loading library
# Create a data frame
d <- data.frame( name = c("Abhi", "Bhavesh", "Chaman", "Dimri"),
                age = c(7, 5, 9, 16),
                ht = c(46, NA, NA, 69),
                school = c("yes", "yes", "no", "no") )
# Calculating a variable x3 which is sum of height
# and age printing with ht and age
mutate(d, x3 = ht + age)


     name age ht school x3
1 Abhi 7 46 yes 53
2 Bhavesh 5 NA yes NA
3 Chaman 9 NA no NA
4 Dimri 16 69 no 85

transmute() Function in R

The transmute() function in R is used to create new variables or modify existing variables in a data frame, while simultaneously dropping the variables that are not part of the result.


# Load the dplyr package
# Create a data frame
d <- data.frame(
  name = c("Abhi", "Bhavesh", "Chaman", "Dimri"),
  age = c(7, 5, 9, 16),
  ht = c(46, NA, NA, 69),
  school = c("yes", "yes", "no", "no")
# Use transmute to create a new variable 'age_in_months' and drop the 'age' variable
result <- transmute(d,
                    name = name,
                    age_in_months = age * 12,
# Print the resulting data frame


     name age_in_months ht school
1 Abhi 84 46 yes
2 Bhavesh 60 NA yes
3 Chaman 108 NA no
4 Dimri 192 69 no

mutate_all() Function in R

The mutate_all() function is used to apply a transformation to all variables in a data frame simultaneously.


# Load the dplyr package
# Create a data frame
d <- data.frame(
  name = c("Abhi", "Bhavesh", "Chaman", "Dimri"),
  age = c(7, 5, 9, 16),
  ht = c(46, NA, NA, 69),
  school = c("yes", "yes", "no", "no")
# Example: Double all numeric variables
d_mutate_all <- d %>%
  mutate_all(~ ifelse(is.numeric(.), . * 2, .))


  name age ht school
1 Abhi 14 92 yes
2 Abhi 14 92 yes
3 Abhi 14 92 yes
4 Abhi 14 92 yes

mutate_at() Function in R


# Load the dplyr package
# Create a data frame
d <- data.frame(
  name = c("Abhi", "Bhavesh", "Chaman", "Dimri"),
  age = c(7, 5, 9, 16),
  ht = c(46, NA, NA, 69),
  school = c("yes", "yes", "no", "no")
# Example: Square only the 'age' variable
d_mutate_at <- d %>%
  mutate_at(vars(age), ~ .^2)


     name age ht school
1 Abhi 49 46 yes
2 Bhavesh 25 NA yes
3 Chaman 81 NA no
4 Dimri 256 69 no

mutate_if() Function in R

The mutate_if() function in R, part of the dplyr package, is used to apply a transformation to variables in a data frame based on a specific condition. It allows you to selectively apply a mutation only to the variables that satisfy the specified condition.


# Load the dplyr package
# Create a data frame
d <- data.frame(
  name = c("Abhi", "Bhavesh", "Chaman", "Dimri"),
  age = c(7, 5, 9, 16),
  ht = c(46, NA, NA, 69),
  school = c("yes", "yes", "no", "no")
# Use mutate_if to double the values of numeric variables
d_mutate_if <- d %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, ~ . * 2)
# Print the resulting data frame


     name age  ht school
1 Abhi 14 92 yes
2 Bhavesh 10 NA yes
3 Chaman 18 NA no
4 Dimri 32 138 no

mutate() function in R is an essential function in the data manipulation toolkit of R, providing a clean and efficient way to modify and enhance data frames.

Mutate function in R

In this article we will discuss how we Add new Variables to a Data Frame using Existing Variables in R Programming Language using mutate() Function in R.

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mutate() Function in R

mutate() function in R Programming Language is used to add new variables in a data frame which are formed by performing operations on existing variables....

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