Multinomial Logistic Regression and  L1 Penalty

MNIST is a widely used dataset for classification purposes. You may think of this dataset as the Hello World dataset of Machine Learning. Logistic Regression is a Supervised Machine Learning algorithm that is used in classification problem statements. Logistic Regression is also known as Binary(Binomial) Classification as it is mainly used to classify binary targets/labels as the predicted output. Whereas Multinomial Logistic regression is an extension of Logistic Regression which is used for Multi-class classification problems. 

Up next talking about the penalty in Logistic Regression we have L1 and L2 penalties. These penalties i.e., L1 and L2 are regularization methods used to reduce the overfitting effect. L1 penalty basically adds a sum of the absolute values of the parameters i.e, the sum of the weights. By adding this L1 penalty we push the features coefficients near 0. 

What is the L1 Penalty?

In Machine Learning, we have a specific terminology to define L1 and L2 regularization i.e., Lasso regression and Ridge Regression respectively. Here we will specifically cover Lasso Regression i.e., L1 penalty or regularization. 

The mathematically L1 penalty is defined as:

Lambda is a regularization constant, which plays a vital role in shrinking the weights. More the lambda value decreases the weights and results in a reduction in the cost function. Lasso regression aka L1 penalty is used to reduce the variance that helps in overfitting reduction. Using this method, we first sum up all the coefficients, if the coefficient terms increases, the above algorithm will penalize and shrink the value close to 0. 

MNIST Classification Using Multinomial Logistic + L1 in Scikit Learn

In this article, we shall implement MNIST classification using Multinomial Logistic Regression using the L1 penalty in the Scikit Learn Python library. 

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Multinomial Logistic Regression and  L1 Penalty

MNIST is a widely used dataset for classification purposes. You may think of this dataset as the Hello World dataset of Machine Learning. Logistic Regression is a Supervised Machine Learning algorithm that is used in classification problem statements. Logistic Regression is also known as Binary(Binomial) Classification as it is mainly used to classify binary targets/labels as the predicted output. Whereas Multinomial Logistic regression is an extension of Logistic Regression which is used for Multi-class classification problems....

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