Moving the Camera

Now we are going to create a new camera_move() function to move our camera with our player. Then we will call this function in our on_update() function.

camera_move():  Inside this function, we will calculate the x and y coordinates of the center of the camera according to our player’s position. Then we will move our camera with the help of the move_to() function.

Below is the implementation:


# Importing arcade module
import arcade
# Creating MainGame class       
class MainGame(arcade.Window):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(600, 600, title="Player Movement")
        # Initializing a variable to store
        # the velocity of the player
        self.vel_x = 0
        # Creating variable for Camera = None
        # Creating scene object
        self.scene = None
        # Creating variable to store player sprite
        self.player = None
        # Creating variable for our game engine
        self.physics_engine = None
    # Creating on_draw() function to draw on the screen
    def on_draw(self):
        # Using the camera
        # Drawing our scene
    def setup(self):
         # Initialize Scene object
        self.scene = arcade.Scene()
        # Using Camera() function arcade.Camera(200,200)
        # Creating different sprite lists
        # Adding player sprite
        self.player_sprite = arcade.Sprite("Player.png", 1)
        # Adding coordinates for the center of the sprite
        self.player_sprite.center_x = 64
        self.player_sprite.center_y = 600
        #Adding Sprite in our scene
        # Adding platform sprite
        platform = arcade.Sprite("Platform.png", 1)
        # Adding coordinates for the center of the platform
        platform.center_x = 300
        platform.center_y = 32
        self.scene.add_sprite("Platforms", platform)
        # Creating Physics engine
        self.physics_engine = arcade.PhysicsEnginePlatformer(
          self.scene.get_sprite_list("Platforms"), 0.5
    # Creating on_update function to
    # update the x coordinate
    def on_update(self,delta_time):
        # Changing x coordinate of player
        self.player_sprite.center_x += self.vel_x * delta_time
        # Updating the physics engine to move the player
        # Calling the camera_move function
    # Creating function to change the velocity
    # when button is pressed
    def on_key_press(self, symbol,modifier):
        # Checking the button pressed
        # and changing the value of velocity
        if symbol == arcade.key.LEFT:
            self.vel_x = -300
        elif symbol == arcade.key.RIGHT:
            self.vel_x = 300
    # Creating function to change the velocity
    # when button is released
    def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifier):
        # Checking the button released
        # and changing the value of velocity
        if symbol == arcade.key.LEFT:
            self.vel_x = 0
        elif symbol == arcade.key.RIGHT:
            self.vel_x = 0
    def camera_move(self):
        # Getting the x coordinate for the center of camera
        screen_x = self.player_sprite.center_x -
        ( / 2)
        # Getting the y coordinate for the center of camera
        screen_y = self.player_sprite.center_y -
        ( / 2)
        # Moving the camera[screen_x, screen_y])  
# Calling MainGame class       
game = MainGame()


Python Arcade – Adding Camera

In this article, we will learn How we can add cameras to arcade games in Python.

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