More Bad Jokes

1. Where do rabbits go for breakfast? IHOP.

2. Where do you find a dog with no legs? Right where you left him.

3. What do call a cold parrot? A brrr-d.

4. What do you call a fly with no wings? A walk.

5. What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple? Half a worm.

6. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom.

7. Why did the photograph go to jail? It was framed.

8. Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.

9. What did one pen say to the other? You’re ink-redable.

10. What do you call a fake father? A faux pa.

11. Why did the belt go to jail? It held up a pair of pants.

12. Why do birds fly south for the winter? It’s too far to walk.

13. Why did the man cut his camping trip short? It was in tents.

14. What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows.

15. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up without help? It was two-tired.

16. What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A stick.

17. Why do golfers always bring an extra pair of pants? In case they get a hole in one.

18. How can you spot a baby snake? It’s got a rattle.

19. What did one eye say to the other? Between us, something smells.

20. Why did the shopping cart go to therapy? It was tired of being pushed around.

21. When does Friday come before Thursday? In the dictionary.

22. What did one horse say to the other? You mustang out with me.

The world of bad jokes, we hope you’ve had a good laugh or at least a smile. These funny, silly, and sometimes groan-worthy jokes remind us not to take life too seriously. Remember, sharing a bad joke can be just as joyful as hearing a great one, especially if it brings a smile to someone’s face.

Whether it’s a family dinner, hanging out with friends, or even a work meeting, a well-timed joke can add a spark of happiness and laughter. Keep spreading the cheer with your favorite jokes, and remember, in the world of humor, sometimes the lamer, the better. Here’s to more smiles, laughs, and yes, even those eye rolls, because every joke, no matter how lame, has its moment to shine.

100+ Bad Jokes That are Cringy and Funny in 2024

Bad Jokes That are Cringy and Funny: Lame jokes, also known as bad jokes are those simple, silly jokes that make you roll your eyes, sigh, or even chuckle a bit despite yourself. They’re not just jokes, they’re a cultural phenomenon that has taken the internet by storm. In this article, we will see the world of jokes that are so bad, they’re actually good.

These bad jokes are really terrible. Yet, you have to admit, they made you smile a bit. Why is that? Dad jokes might make us roll our eyes, but honestly, they’re so silly and amusing that once you begin hearing them, it’s really hard to stop.

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