MongoDB FindAndModify Method Examples

Let’s look at some MongoDB FindandModify examples. In the following examples, we are working with:

Database: gfg

Collections: student

Document: Three documents contains name, language they use in coding and the score they got by solve problem on gfg.

Update Value using FindandModify Method Example

We are increasing marks by 4 whose name is vishal.




After update:

Get the Modified Document after the FindandModify Method Example


Here, we are again increasing the value of the score field by 4 of the document whose name is “vishal” but this time we set the value of new to true, and the findAndModify() method returns the modified document.

After update:

MongoDB – FindAndModify() Method

The findAndModify() method in MongoDB modifies and returns a single document that matches the given criteria. By default, db.collection.findAndModify(document) method returns a pre-modification document.

To return the document with the modifications made on the update, use the new option and set its value to true. It takes a document as a parameter.

Important Points:

  • If you want to find fields of the embedded document, then use the following syntax:

“field.nestedfieldname”: <value>


{field: {nestedfieldname: <value>}}

  • The document returned by this method always contains the _id field. If you don’t want the _id field, then set _id:0 in the projection.
  • You can use this method in multi-document transactions.
  • If you are using this method, in shared collection, then the query expression must contain an equality condition on the shared key.

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MongoDB FindAndModify() Method Sntax

db.Collection_name.findAndModify( { selection_criteria:, sort: , remove: , update: , new: , fields: , upsert: , bypassDocumentValidation: , writeConcern: , collation: , arrayFilters: [ , ... ] })...

MongoDB FindAndModify Method Examples

Let’s look at some MongoDB FindandModify examples. In the following examples, we are working with:...

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