MongoDB $lt Operator Example

In the following examples, we are working with:

Database: w3wiki

Collection: employee

Document: four documents that contain the details of the employees in the form of field-value pairs.

Example 1

In this example, we are selecting those documents where the value of the salary field is less than 35000.


find({salary: {lt:35000}}).pretty()


Example 2:

In this example, we are selecting only those documents where the age of the employee is less than 24.

Example 3:

In this example, we are selecting only those documents where the points array is less than the specified array.

Example 4:

In this example, we are updating the salary of those employees whose experience year is less than 2 years.

MongoDB – $lt Operator

MongoDB $lt operator or less than operator is one of the comparison operators. The $lt operator selects the documents with a value less than (<) the given value.

You can use this operator in methods like, find(), update(), etc. as per your requirements.

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{field: {$lt: value}}...

MongoDB $lt Operator Example

In the following examples, we are working with:...

Key Takeaways About $lt Operator

MongoDB $lt operator also known as less than operator is a comparison operator. It selects the documents where value of specific field is less than the given value. It can only compare similar data types. for example, string data type can not be compared with integer. It is useful for filtering wide range of documents....

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