Modes of Delivery under Sale of Goods Act 1930

Delivery of goods is of three types:

1. Actual Delivery: It is known as physical delivery and occurs when the seller or his or her authorized agency physically hands over the goods to the buyer or his or her agent, who is allowed to take possession of them. For example, A, the vendor of a car, passes it over to B, the buyer; this is an example of real delivery of goods.

2. Symbolic Delivery: When the items are too large and heavy to physically hand over to the customer, they might be delivered by signifying or delivering a symbol instead. The things themselves are not supplied in this case, but rather the means of acquiring control of them. For example, providing the keys to the warehouse where the goods are held, the keys to a purchased automobile to the buyer, or a bill of lading that entitles the holder to collect the items upon the arrival of the ship.

3. Constructive Delivery: In this scenario, no physical or symbolic delivery is done. In constructive delivery, the party who is in possession of the items acknowledges that he/she retains the goods for the benefit and disposal of the purchaser. Constructive delivery is also known as attornment.

Delivery : Meaning, Modes & Rules (Sale of Goods Act)

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