Middle Term of Binomial Expansion

If (x + y)n =  nCr.xn – r.yr  , it has (n + 1) terms and the middle term will depend upon the value of n.

We have two cases for the Middle Term of a Binomial Expansion:

If n is Even 

If n is the even number then we make it into an odd number and consider (n + 1) as odd and (n/2 + 1) as the middle term. In simple, if n is even then we consider it as odd.

Suppose n is the even so, (n + 1) is odd. To find out the middle term:

Consider the general term of binomial expansion i.e. 

  • Now we replace “r ” with “n/2” in the above equation to find the middle term
  • Tr+1 = Tn/2 + 1
  • Tn/2 + 1 = nCn/2.xn – n/2.yn/2

General and Middle Terms – Binomial Theorem – Class 11 Maths

Binomial theorem or expansion describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial. According to this theorem, it is possible to expand the polynomial “(a + b)n into a sum involving terms of the form “axzyc, the exponents z and c are non-negative integers where z + c = n, and the coefficient of each term is a positive integer depending on the values of n and b. 

Example: If n = 4

(a + b)4 = a4 + 4a3y + 6a2b2 + 4ab3 + b

Table of Content

  • General Term of Binomial Expansion
  • Sample Problems on General Term
  • Middle Term of Binomial Expansion
  • Sample Problems on Middle Terms
  • Examples on Middle Terms
  • FAQs on General Term and Middle Term

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