Microservices vs Serverless Computing

Below are the differences between Microservices and Serverless computing:

Aspect Microservices Serverless Computing
Deployment Model Typically deployed on containers or VMs, requires infrastructure management Functions deployed as independent units, abstracts away infrastructure management
Scalability Individually scalable services, each service can be scaled independently Auto-scaling managed by the cloud provider, functions scale automatically based on demand
Operational Complexity Requires management of infrastructure, configuration, and orchestration tools Abstracts away infrastructure management, simplifies operational complexity
Cost Infrastructure costs can be higher due to maintaining and scaling instances Pay-per-use pricing model, potentially lower costs as you only pay for resources consumed
Development Flexibility Allows flexibility in technology stack, languages, and frameworks Limited to supported languages and runtimes provided by the serverless platform
Resource Utilization Resource allocation per service, efficient utilization through scaling Efficient resource utilization with on-demand scaling, no idle resources when functions are not in use
State Management Each service can manage its own state, data consistency is the responsibility of the developer Stateless functions, external state management required, data persistence through external services like databases or storage
Event-Driven Often used with event-driven architectures, services communicate via APIs Inherently event-driven, responds to triggers such as HTTP requests, database changes, or timers provided by the serverless platform

Microservices vs. Serverless

In modern software development, architects and developers are faced with the challenge of selecting the most suitable architectural approach for building scalable, resilient, and cost-effective applications. Two popular architectural paradigms that have gained significant popularity in recent years are microservices and serverless computing. While both offer distinct advantages, understanding their differences and trade-offs is essential for making informed architectural decisions.

Important Topics for Differences between Microservices and Serverless

  • What is Microservices Architecture?
  • What is Serverless Computing?
  • Microservices vs Serverless Architecture

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Microservices vs Serverless Computing

Below are the differences between Microservices and Serverless computing:...


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