Methods of Collecting Primary Data

  • Direct Personal Investigation: As the name suggests, the method of direct personal investigation involves collecting data personally from the source of origin. In simple words, the investigator makes direct contact with the person from whom he/she wants to obtain information. This method can attain success only when the investigator collecting data is efficient, diligent, tolerant and impartial. For example, direct contact with the household women to obtain information about their daily routine and schedule.
  • Indirect Oral Investigation: In this method of collecting primary data, the investigator does not make direct contact with the person from whom he/she needs information, instead, they collect the data orally from some other person who has the necessary required information. For example, collecting data of employees from their superiors or managers.
  • Information from Local Sources or Correspondents: In this method, for the collection of data, the investigator appoints correspondents or local persons at various places, which are then furnished by them to the investigator. With the help of correspondents and local persons, the investigators can cover a wide area.
  • Information through Questionnaires and Schedules: In this method of collecting primary data, the investigator, while keeping in mind the motive of the study, prepares a questionnaire. The investigator can collect data through the questionnaire in two ways:
    Mailing Method: This method involves mailing the questionnaires to the informants for the collection of data. The investigator attaches a letter with the questionnaire in the mail to define the purpose of the study or research. The investigator also assures the informants that their information would be kept secret, and then the informants note the answers to the questionnaire and return the completed file. 
    Enumerator’s Method: This method involves the preparation of a questionnaire according to the purpose of the study or research. However, in this case, the enumerator reaches out to the informants himself with the prepared questionnaire. Enumerators are not the investigators themselves; they are the people who help the investigator in the collection of data.

Sources of Data Collection | Primary and Secondary Sources

Data Collection refers to the systematic process of gathering, measuring, and analyzing information from various sources to get a complete and accurate picture of an area of interest. Different sources of data collection include Primary Sources and Secondary Sources.

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Primary and Secondary Data

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Principle Difference between Primary and Secondary Data

Difference in Objective: The primary data collected by the investigator is always for the specific objective. Therefore, there is no need to make any adjustments for the purpose of the study. However, the secondary data collected by the investigator has already been collected by someone else for some other purpose. Therefore, the investigator has to make necessary adjustments to the data to suit the main objective of the present study. Difference in Originality: As the primary data is collected from the beginning from the source of origin, the data is original. However, the secondary data is already present somewhere and hence is not original. Difference in Cost of Collection: The cost of collecting primary data is higher than the cost of collecting secondary data in terms of time, effort and money. It is because the data is being collected for the first time from the source of origin. However, the cost of collecting secondary data is less as the data is gathered from published or unpublished sources....

Methods of Collecting Primary Data


Sources of Collecting Secondary Data

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