Method to enable MariaDB General Query Logs

1. Using Configuration Files

One of the most common methods to enable MariaDB general query logs is through configuration files. Follow these steps:

  • Locate Configuration File: Find the file for MariaDB configuration (my.cnf or my.ini), if we should happen to be in the /etc/mysql/ or /etc folder.
  • Edit Configuration: Open the config file with our editor of choice and locate the [mysqld] block.
  • Configure Logging: Add the lines given below in the given sentence.
general_log = 1
general_log_file = /path/to/general.log


  1. general_log: Set to 1 to enable the general query log.
  2. general_log_file: Specify the path to the log file.
  • Restart MariaDB: Save the changes and restart the MariaDB service.

2. Using SQL Commands

MariaDB allows us to enable the general query log dynamically using SQL commands. Execute the following SQL statements.

SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = '/path/to/general.log';

Explanation: Adjust the file path as needed and ensure the MariaDB user has the necessary privileges to execute these commands.

3. Using Command Line Options

We can enable general query logs temporarily using command line options when starting the MariaDB server. Use the –general-log and –general-log-file options:

mysqld --general-log --general-log-file=/path/to/general.log

Explanation: This method is useful for temporary debugging or testing purposes.

How to Enable MariaDB General Query Logs

MariaDB is a commonly used open-source database management system. Logging capabilities are one of the features that aims to help administrators to track database activities accurately. Among these log features, a general log for logging all SQL queries executed on the server is a very useful instrument.

Taking advantage of the general logs query offers the chance to discover important analytics, performance improvements, and diagnoses. In this article, We will learn about step-by-step methods to enable MariaDB general query logs including recommended configuration settings and use models for it as well.

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What is the General Query Log?

In the MariaDB server, the general query log records and traces down all SQL requests from its clients containing queries, DDL (Data Definition Language) statements from all commands provided by users. For each log event, we get a timestamp, username and query executed. These details are extremely useful for debugging. Through that way, the administrators get knowledge about the activities of the database in general query log which will help them for troubleshooting, auditing, server logging and optimization of database performance....

Method to enable MariaDB General Query Logs

1. Using Configuration Files...

Considerations and Best Practices

Log Rotation: Implement log rotation so as to manage log file size and protect the disk space from reaching its limit. Security: To avoid intrusion, be aware of the sensitive information you log and check if access is properly controlled. Performance Impact: Those administrators who strive to enable query logging may seriously affect the performance of a server, so one should monitor the resource utilization. Granular Logging: See to network logging control unit for limits of log levels and engaging the relevant information keeping the impact of the keywords in check. Regular Review: Make a habit of running through query logs to pointweaknesses, security threats and usage patterns....


In general, turning on MariaDB general query logs is important for tracking and reorganizing database performance. By understanding these methos such as configuration files, SQL commands or command line options, administrators are afforded with a variety of options to set up logging to Serve their specific requirements. The administrators can take help from the query logs properly only if they follow the best practices and consider security and performance issues. As a result, the MariaDB environment gets safer, more effective and optimized....

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