How to use rep() method In R Language

The nrow() method in R is used to determine the number of rows of the data frame. 



The vector sequence is then generated using the seq_len() method described in the previous method. This is followed by the application of rep() method which is used to replicate numeric values a specified number of times. The first argument is the vector generated by seq_len() method and n is the replication factor. 


rep(vec, n)

Data frame indexing is used to append the generated rows to the original data frame rows and stored as the modified data frame. 

Example: Repeating rows n times


# creating a data frame
data_frame <- data.frame(col1 = c(6:8),
                        col2 = letters[1:3],
                        col3 = c(1,4,NA))
print ("Original DataFrame")
print (data_frame)
# replication factor
n <- 3
data_frame_mod <- data_frame[rep(seq_len(nrow(data_frame)), n), ]
print ("Modified DataFrame")


[1] "Original DataFrame"
col1 col2 col3
1    6    a    1
2    7    b    4
3    8    c   NA
[1] "Modified DataFrame"
col1 col2 col3
1      6    a    1
2      7    b    4
3      8    c   NA
1.1    6    a    1
2.1    7    b    4
3.1    8    c   NA
1.2    6    a    1
2.2    7    b    4
3.2    8    c   NA

Repeat Rows of DataFrame N Times in R

In this article, we will discuss how to repeat rows of Dataframe for a given number of times using R programming language. 

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