How to use OpenCV In Python

OpenCV library is compatible with the Linux and windows both operating system. Users need to install the OpenCV library on their local computer using the below command before they go ahead.

Install command - pip install opencv-python


1. Import OpenCV library

2. Initialize the camera using the VideoCapture() method.



cam = VideoCapture(0)

3. Read input using the camera using the method.



result, image =

4. If input image detected without any error, show output


If result:
    # show the image
    imshow("w3wiki", image)
    # save the image
    imwrite("w3wiki.png", image)

    Move to this part is input image has some error



# program to capture single image from webcam in python
# importing OpenCV library
from cv2 import *
# initialize the camera
# If you have multiple camera connected with 
# current device, assign a value in cam_port 
# variable according to that
cam_port = 0
cam = VideoCapture(cam_port)
# reading the input using the camera
result, image =
# If image will detected without any error, 
# show result
if result:
    # showing result, it take frame name and image 
    # output
    imshow("w3wiki", image)
    # saving image in local storage
    imwrite("w3wiki.png", image)
    # If keyboard interrupt occurs, destroy image 
    # window
# If captured image is corrupted, moving to else part
    print("No image detected. Please! try again")


How to capture a image from webcam in Python?

In this article, we will discuss how to capture an image from the webcam using Python.

We will use OpenCV and PyGame libraries. Both libraries include various methods and functions to capture an image and video also. By using, these vast libraries we need to write only 4 to 5 lines of code to capture an image.

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OpenCV library is compatible with the Linux and windows both operating system. Users need to install the OpenCV library on their local computer using the below command before they go ahead....

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