How to use Object.keys() and toLowerCase() Methods In Javascript

The approach here is the same as in the previous example, The Object.keys() method is used and the operation is performed in a compact manner.

Example: This example shows the use of the above-explained approach.


let GFG_Object = {
    a: "Val_1",
    n: "Val_2",
    c: "Val_3",
    b: "Val_4",
function GFG_Run() {
    let ObjKey = "A";
    console.log("Key: '" + ObjKey
        + "'\nValue: '"
        + GFG_Object[Object.keys(GFG_Object).find(
            (key) => key.toLowerCase() === ObjKey.toLowerCase())]
        + "'");


Key: 'A'
Value: 'Val_1'

Access Object property case-insensitively in JavaScript

In this article, we will see how to access an object’s properties without case-sensitivity, In this article, we are discussing how to access object property case-insensitively in JavaScript.

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