How to use lit() In Python

In these methods, we will use the lit() function, Here we can add the constant column ‘literal_values_1’ with value 1 by Using the select method. The lit() function will insert constant values to all the rows. We will use withColumn() select the dataframe:

Syntax: df.withColumn(“NEW_COL”, lit(VALUE))

Example 1: Adding constant value in columns.


df.withColumn('Status', lit(0)).show()


Example 2: Adding constant value based on another column.


from pyspark.sql.functions import when, lit, col
  "Great_Discount", when(col("Discount") >=1000,lit(


How to add a constant column in a PySpark DataFrame?

In this article, we are going to see how to add a constant column in a PySpark Dataframe. 

It can be done in these ways:

  • Using Lit()
  • Using Sql query.

Creating Dataframe for demonstration:


# Create a spark session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('SparkExamples').getOrCreate()
# Create a spark dataframe
columns = ["Name", "Course_Name",
           "Course_Fees", "Discount",
           "Start_Date", "Payment_Done"]
data = [
    ("Amit Pathak", "Python", 3,
     10000, 1000, "02-07-2021", True),
    ("Shikhar Mishra", "Soft skills",
     2, 8000, 800, "07-10-2021", False),
    ("Shivani Suvarna", "Accounting", 6,
     15000, 1500, "20-08-2021", True),
    ("Pooja Jain", "Data Science", 12,
     60000, 900, "02-12-2021", False),
df = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(*columns)
# View the dataframe


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Method 1: Using lit()


Method 2: Using Sql query

In these methods, we will use the lit() function, Here we can add the constant column ‘literal_values_1’ with value 1 by Using the select method. The lit() function will insert constant values to all the rows. We will use withColumn() select the dataframe:...

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