How to use duplicated() Function In R Language

In this approach, we are using the duplicated function which is used to identify duplicate elements. duplicated function returns a logical vector of the same length as the input factor, where each element is TRUE if the corresponding element in the input is a duplicate and FALSE otherwise.


duplicates <- factor_Name[duplicated(factor_Name)]

This example demonstrate how we can use duplicated function to find duplicate values in a factor.

# Example factor
my_factor <- factor(c("A", "B", "C", "A", "B"))

# Find duplicates
duplicates <- my_factor[duplicated(my_factor)]

# Print duplicated elements


[1] A B

How to find duplicate values in a factor in R

finding duplicates in data is an important step in data analysis and management to ensure data quality, accuracy, and efficiency. In this article, we will see several approaches to finding duplicate values in a factor in the R Programming Language.

It can be done with two methods

  1. Using duplicated() Function
  2. Using table() Function

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