How to use Arrow Functions in Render In ReactJS

Arrow functions can be used directly in the JSX to bind event handlers. This approach is simple and easy to understand.



import React, { Component } from 'react';
export default class App extends Component {
    handleClick() {
        console.log('Button clicked');
    render() {
        return <button onClick={
            () => this.handleClick()}>
            Click Me


Explanation: When the button is clicked, “Button clicked” is logged to the console. However, using an arrow function in render method creates a new function each time the component renders, which might affect performance if the component renders often.

How to bind event handlers in React?

Binding event handlers in React is a fundamental concept that ensures interactive and responsive web applications. React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces uses a declarative approach to handle events.

This article explores various methods to bind event handlers in React, highlighting their importance and usage in the context of JSX, React’s syntax extension.

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