The Naive Method

This is a method without using the map or any other function, just basic loops.


Here, we are defining the 1d Array of Tuples. This Array contains 0D Arrays i.e the tuples and then defines an Empty array further we iterate through each item in ‘arr’ and then we define another empty array for items in each tuple further we also iterate through each item in ‘arrs’ i.e the tuples. Appending each item of the tuple in the ‘items’ array. Appending the ‘items’ array to the ‘x’ array.


import numpy as np
arr = [(1, 2, 3), ('Hi', 'Hello', 'Hey')]
x = [] 
for arrs in arr:
    items = []
    for item in arrs: 
x = np.array(x)


[[‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’] [‘Hi’ ‘Hello’ ‘Hey’]]

The Dimension is  2

How to convert 1D array of tuples to 2D Numpy array?

In this article, we will discuss how to convert a 1D array of tuples into a numpy array.


Input: [(1,2,3),(‘Hi’,’Hello’,’Hey’)]

Output: [[‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’] [‘Hi’ ‘Hello’ ‘Hey’]] #NDArray

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