String as an array-like object

The alternative is to think of the string as an object resembling an array, where each character is represented by an integer index:



let str ="w3wiki"



Let us go through some examples to better understand the usage of strings:

An array of Strings: To create an array of strings you can simply type:

// Creating an array of strings: string1, string2, string3
let arrString=["string1","string2","string3"];


// Creating an array of strings: string1, string2, string3
let arrString=new Array("string1","string2","string3");

Now let us go through some examples to understand strings better:

Example 1: In this example, we are going to concatenate two strings. To concatenate, I have simply used the + operator.


let a = "Hello ";
let b = "World";
// Concatenating strings a and b
console.log(a + b);


Hello World

Example 2: In this example, I am going to find the index of the first occurrence of b in the string. To do that, I used the indexOf() method.


let a = "abcdefgh";
// Finding the first index of the character 'b'



Example 3: In this example, we will get the substring of the string. For that purpose, I have used the substring() method.


let a = "abcdefgh";
// Printing the substring between the indices 2 and 7
console.log(a.substring(2, 7));



Example 4: In this example, replacing a part of the string with another string is literal, and using the replace() method to accomplish this.


let a = "Hello World";
let arrString = ["Geeks", "for", "Geeks"]
// Replacing the word 'World' with 'Geeks'
console.log(a.replace("World", arrString[0]));


Hello Geeks

You can check out more string functions in javascript here.

String in JavaScript

String is used to representing the sequence of characters. They are made up of a list of characters, which is essentially just an “array of characters”. It can hold the data and manipulate the data which can be represented in the text form. We can perform different operations on strings like checking their length, also concatenate them by using +=, +, string operators.

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