Start With Dropshipping

If you want a nice passive income, dropshipping is a really nice option. Lazy people will like it as they don’t need to go out or open a physical store. There is no inventory required and you just have to open one online store.

You are basically the middleman between the final customer and the supplier in dropshipping. Suppliers directly send the orders to the customers. You need not handle anything yourself. Visit Shopify or WooCommerce to start this.

12 lazy ways to make money online

Who doesn’t like making money in an easy and fun way that involves as little of an effort as possible? Yes, hard work and determination are important to be successful in life, but still, being smart in today’s world helps make money quickly and without too much stress.

For people who are a bit lazy and love staying at home, there are several opportunities online to make a side income. For those interested, we will discuss the top 12 lazy ways to make money online in this blog. Read further to see how you can do so.

12 lazy ways to make money online

  • Method 1: By Selling Pictures
  • Method 2: Watching Videos
  • Method 3: Scan Old Shopping Receipts
  • Method 4: Typing Work
  • Method 5: Writing Greeting Cards
  • Method 6: Do Online Surveys
  • Method 7: Start With Dropshipping
  • Method 8: Become an Online Teacher
  • Method 9: Video Game Tester
  • Method 10: Review Hotels
  • Method 11: Affiliate Marketing
  • Method 12: Perform Voiceovers
  • Maximizing Your Earnings with Minimal Effort

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12 Lazy Ways to Make Money Online


Method 1: By Selling Pictures

First of all, never think that you are too lazy to earn money. Obviously, we don’t recommend that you should be lazy, but still, there are several simple and laid-back ways through which you can earn money. You can do these simple and somewhat fun tasks to bring in money. So read further to know 12 lazy ways to make money online from your home:...

Method 2: Watching Videos

When it comes to lazy ways to make money online then doing so by selling photographs is a top choice for many. If you are lazy and have good skills in photography, then this is the perfect method for you for sure....

Method 3: Scan Old Shopping Receipts

Many lazy people spend most of their day watching and scrolling videos on their phones. Well, you can earn money doing so as watching videos counts among the top lazy ways to make money online for you....

Method 4: Typing Work

You can earn money just by scanning some old shopping receipts that you have. Most of us regularly go shopping and will surely have many receipts at home. There is one application named Ibotta where you can do so....

Method 5: Writing Greeting Cards

If you type at a nice, high speed and have a working laptop, then you can earn money through typing. There are many typing jobs posted online that don’t require any certifications or educational degrees to do them....

Method 6: Do Online Surveys

You must have surely come across funny and creative greeting cards in the past that made you laugh. Well, most of them are written by writers around the world from their homes. One of the top lazy ways to make money online in which you can make witty and unique greeting cards....

Method 7: Start With Dropshipping

Another effortless and among the top lazy ways to make money online is by completing online surveys. There are several brands and market researchers out there who need people to give opinions on different services and products....

Method 8: Become an Online Teacher

If you want a nice passive income, dropshipping is a really nice option. Lazy people will like it as they don’t need to go out or open a physical store. There is no inventory required and you just have to open one online store....

Method 9: Video Game Tester

People who have good knowledge in any subject or skill can start teaching online to others. Through Zoom or Skype, you can take classes on video conferencing easily....

Method 10: Review Hotels

Are you passionate about gaming? Well, it is possible to test upcoming video games and even get paid for doing so. Many game-developing companies hire beta testers who play games and check for issues or any other problems....

Method 11: Affiliate Marketing

You might not be out there traveling the world and staying in luxury hotels in different countries, but you can get money for reviewing such hotels. There are several hotels and even travel-based websites that require hotel reviews. You can earn almost $100 daily with these nice lazy ways to make money online easily....

Method 12: Perform Voiceovers

Another gig that involves low efforts but offers high money-making potential is affiliate marketing. You have to promote a service or product on your social media accounts or website. Whenever a sale is completed via the unique link on your portals, you will earn a commission....

Maximizing Your Earnings with Minimal Effort

One more option of the top lazy ways to make money online is by doing voiceovers for videos online. You don’t need to have any acting skills, just a good strong voice will do. Try to have a noise-free room at your home where you can record voiceovers without any noise or disruptions....


Working smart is as important as working smart in today’s high-competition world. Either in a job or a personal business, if you want to earn lots of money, then you need to do lots of work and effort. However, it’s not the case always as we can see from the above-mentioned roles....

FAQs – Lazy Ways to Make Money Online

Don’t worry if you are lazy and don’t like leaving your home. You can still make decent amounts of money from the comfort of your home and cozy bed. There are several ways to do so o online with minimal effort and hard work....

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