Rearrange or Reorder the column name alphabetically

Here we are using order() function along with select() function to rearrange the columns in alphabetical order. So we will order the columns using colnames function.

Syntax: dataframe %>% select(order(colnames(dataframe)))


  • dataframe is the input dataframe
  • %>% is the pipe operator to pass the result to the dataframe
  • order() is used to rearrange the dataframe columns in alphabetical order
  • colnames() is the function to get the columns in the dataframe

Here we are rearranging the data based on column names in alphabetical order.


print("Actual dataframe")
# display actual  dataframe
print("Reorder dataframe")
# rearrange the columns in alphabetic 
# order
data %>% select(order(colnames(data)))


Reorder the column of dataframe in R using Dplyr

In this article, we will discuss how to rearrange or reorder the column of the dataframe using dplyr package in R Programming Language.

Creating Dataframe for demonstration:


# load the package
# create the dataframe with three columns
# id , department and salary with 8 rows
data = data.frame(id = c(7058, 7059, 7060, 7089,
                         7072, 7078, 7093, 7034),
                  department = c('IT','sales','finance',
                  salary = c(34500.00, 560890.78, 67000.78, 
                             25000.00, 78900.00, 25000.00,
                             45000.00, 90000))
# display dataframe


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