How to useaggregate() method in R Language

Base R contains a large number of methods to perform operations on the dataframe. The seq() method in R is used to generate regular sequences beginning from a pre-defined value. 

Syntax: seq(from , to , by , length.out)

Arguments : 

  • from – The value from where to begin the sequence. The as.Date() method is used here, in order to generate a sequence of dates until the length of the sequence is met.
  • to – The value where to end the sequence.
  • by – The parameter to increment the sequence. “day” is used as a parameter here, in order to generate successive dates in order.
  • length.out – The total length of the sequence.

The dataframe is then formed using a sample from this date sequence generated as column 1. The value is generated using the rnorm() method to produce random floating-point numbers. 

The strftime() method is then used to convert a time object to a character string back. The format can be specified to extract different components of the date object. 

Syntax: strftime (date, format)

Arguments : 

  • date – The object to be converted
  • format – We use %m to extract the month and %Y to extract the year in YYYY format.

In order to aggregate the data, the aggregate method is used, which is used to compute summary statistics of each of the groups.

Syntax: aggregate ( formula , data , FUN)

Arguments : 

  • formula – a formula, such as y ~ x
  • data – The dataframe over which to apply the function
  • FUN – The function to be applied to the dataframe.  Here, the function applied is sum in order to perform the aggregation or summation over the values belonging to same group.



# creating dataframe
# specifying number of rows
len <- 100
# creating sequences of dates
var_seq <- seq(as.Date("2021/05/01"),
               by = "day",
               length.out = len)
# creating columns for dataframe
data_frame <- data.frame(col1 = sample( var_seq,
                                 100, replace = TRUE),
                   col2 = round(rnorm(10, 5, 2), 2))
print("Original dataframe")
# creating new year column for dataframe
data_frame$year_col <- strftime(data_frame$col1, "%Y")   
# creating new month column for dataframe
data_frame$month_col <- strftime(data_frame$col1, "%m")
# aggregating the daily data
data_frame_mod <- aggregate(col2 ~ year_col + month_col,       
                        FUN = sum)
print("Modified dataframe")


Aggregate Daily Data to Month and Year Intervals in R DataFrame

In this article, we are going to see how to aggregate daily data over a period of months and year intervals in dataframe in R Programming Language. 

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