
The following command is used to scan the local network for active devices and their IP addresses. So, When you run this command it will passively listen for ARP replies from devices on the network, and display the IP addresses and MAC addresses of any active devices it discovers.

Command :

netdiscover -P -i eth0 -r

Output :

Find Virtual Machine IP Through Kali Linux – 3 Methods

Sometimes, during cyber security challenges or ethical hacking tasks, you may need to find the IP address of an inactive computer or one that has not been logged in. The reason for this is that you cannot know or access it directly without having its IP address. You must first identify systems and computers legally and ethically suited for hacking even if you have a lot of excellent hacking algorithms. By doing so, you scan through the network and wait for responses from active devices.

This work’s most outstanding and well-liked tool is known as Netdiscover. It is a free open-source software package that can scan your network and give you a list of all live IP addresses on it. Consequently, using this method will assist in identifying computers/devices that can be further investigated or practiced. Netdiscover is an easy way for beginners to start network scanning and find out IP addresses, essential skills in cyber security, and ethical hacking.

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Find Virtual Machine IP Through Kali Linux – 3 Methods

Method 1 : Netdiscover...

Method 1 : Netdiscover

The following command is used to scan the local network for active devices and their IP addresses. So, When you run this command it will passively listen for ARP replies from devices on the network, and display the IP addresses and MAC addresses of any active devices it discovers....

Method 2 : Nmap Live Scanning

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Method 3 : Nmap Port Scanning

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Why do I need to know my virtual machine’s IP address?...


In VirtualBox, for example, you can go to the “Settings” of your virtual machine, then navigate to the “Network” section. Here, you’ll see the IP address that has been assigned to your virtual machine, along with other network configuration details....

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