Meta Tags for SEO

A Meta description is like a short intro to your webpage on search results, around 50-160 characters, inviting users to click. It is an HTML element that provides a summary of a page. They plays an important in SEO engine optimisation.

What is SEO Optimization or Search Engine Optimization?

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SEO Keywords

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Meta Tags for SEO

A Meta description is like a short intro to your webpage on search results, around 50-160 characters, inviting users to click. It is an HTML element that provides a summary of a page. They plays an important in SEO engine optimisation....

Off-page SEO

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Link building

Link building is the process of acquiring the links from other websites to your own, has become a key strategy in seo optimisation....

Technical SEO

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Sitemaps & Schema Markup in SEO

A sitemap is like a roadmap for search engines, guiding them through the pages of a website. It’s a file that lists the URLs and key information about each page, helping search engines crawl and understand the site’s structure more efficiently...

Website SEO

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Image SEO

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Youtube SEO

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SEO Strategies and Techniques

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SEO Tools

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Semrush SEO Tool

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Etsy SEO | Optimization, Tips and Search Algorithms Social SEO | Introduction, Importance and Strategies Organic SEO | Importance, Working and Optimization Tips for Business Pythonic SEO: The Ultimate Guide to Automating SEO Task in 2024 AI era Local SEO | Definition, Importance, Steps & Tools What is SEO Copywriting? File Naming Conventions | Significance and Tips for SEO Difference between Vertical search and Horizontal search 5 Situations When Not to Use SEO How to Tell Google Which Pages Not to Crawl How to Overcome SEO Challenges and Risks? How to Use Google Search Console to Improve SEO How to Submit Your Website on Bing Webmaster Tools ? Factors Affecting Indexing in SEO Four Pillars (4 Stages) of an effective SEO strategy Top 12 Metrics to Measure a Website’s SEO Performance How to get your website on Google How to Create an SEO Friendly Website? How to Add Your Website to Google Analytics ? How to Submit Your Website to Google Search Console ? Effective ways to increase Traffic on your Website...

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