Meta Tag Attributes

Meta tags provide essential information about HTML documents. They are self-closing tags and significantly impact browser functionality, search engine optimization (SEO), character set declaration, and viewport control. Here are some commonly used meta tag attributes:

charsetDefines the character encoding for the HTML document.
nameSpecifies the name of the metadata attribute.
contentProvides information associated with the specified name.
http-equivSets an HTTP header for the content, typically used for backward compatibility.
schemeSpecifies the format used to interpret the content value, often for data formats.

HTML Attributes

HTML attributes provide additional information about elements within an HTML document. Every HTML element can have attributes. Attributes are always defined in the start tag. They are specified using a name/value pair format, where the attribute name defines the property, and its value provides specific details, like name=”value”. These attributes impact content display and interaction on web pages.

Let’s explore the key aspects of HTML attributes:

Table of Content

  • HTML Global Attributes
  • HTML src Attribute
  • HTML alt Attribute
  • HTML width and height Attribute
  • HTML id Attribute
  • HTML title Attribute
  • HTML href Attribute
  • HTML style Attribute
  • HTML lang attribute

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Meta Tag Attributes

Meta tags provide essential information about HTML documents. They are self-closing tags and significantly impact browser functionality, search engine optimization (SEO), character set declaration, and viewport control. Here are some commonly used meta tag attributes:...

HTML Global Attributes

Global attributes apply to all types of HTML tags. Some commonly used global attributes include:...

HTML src Attribute

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HTML alt Attribute

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HTML width and height Attribute

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HTML id Attribute

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HTML title Attribute

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HTML href Attribute

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HTML style Attribute

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HTML lang attribute

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