Meaning of “Till”

The word “till” refers to an action or an event up to the point in time or mostly until.

Usage of “Till”

The word “still” can be used in various ways, like a preposition, conjunction, noun, or verb. When it is used as a preposition, it refers to up to or until. When it is used as a noun, it refers to a cash register or a drawer of a cash register, where the money is kept. 

  • Mohan worked till 10 p.m. last night. Here, the word “till” is a preposition, and it means up to.
  • He waited for her till she achieved her dreams. Here, the word “till” is a conjunction, and it means until the time.
  • Luke, can you count the money in the till? Here, the word “till” is a noun, and it means the drawer of a cash register, where the money is kept.
  • My father and brother returned home around 6 p.m. after tilling our farmlands. Here, the word “till” is a verb, and it refers to ploughing the soil.


  • I was with her till noon.
  • We stayed with her till everyone left.
  • Can you stay with me till tomorrow?
  • He waited for her till she achieved her dreams.
  • Priya worked hard day and night till she succeeded.
  • Add honey and mix again till they get combined properly.
  • We tilled our garden yesterday to cultivate vegetables.
  • There was a long queue at the tills yesterday as it was the last sales day.



The word “still” refers to an action or an event that started in the past and is continuing in the present too. The word “till” refers to an action or an event up to the point in time or mostly until.
It can be used as a noun, adverb, adjective, or verb. It can be used as a preposition, conjunction, noun, or verb.


  • I’m still afraid of the darkness.
  • The police have to wait till tomorrow to get the reports.
  • I can still hear the faint barking sounds of the street dogs.


  • He works here till 8 p.m.
  • I have to wait till tomorrow to get my new lens.
  • Can you look after my dog till I return from the store?

Difference between Still and Till

Most of us get confused while using the words “still” and “till.” Both words have different meanings and are used in different contexts. “Still” refers to an action or an event that started in the past and is continuing in the present too, whereas “till” refers to an action or an event up to the point in time or mostly until. In this article, we learn about the difference between “still” and “till.”

Difference between Still and Till

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