Major Projects on River Krishna

Nagarjuna Sagar Dam: This dam on the Krishna River in Telangana is one of the world’s largest masonry dams. This project was finished in 1972. It helps irrigate more than 10 lakh hectares of land and generates hydroelectric power.

Srisailam Dam: This Dam is located on the border of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It is one the major dam project which is completed in 1980. It is the second-largest operational hydroelectric station in India.

Handri-Neeva Sujala Sravanthi Project: It is a major irrigation project in the Rayalaseema ,Andhra Pradesh. This project involves the construction of several dams and canals on the tributaries of the River Krishna, including the Handri, Neeva, and Chitravathi rivers, to provide water for agriculture.

Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal: This dam was formed in 1969. This tribunal was set up to settle arguments among Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh regarding the sharing of water from the Krishna River. The tribunal made its decision in 2013, and all three states must adhere to it.

Krishna River : Origin, Basin, Tributaries & Major Project

Krishna river is an inter state river located in Maharashtra. It has a length of 1337 meters. It flows from east to west through Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. There are several major Krishna tributaries including Ghataprabha, Malaprabha, Bhima, and Tungabhadra.

Krishna River is originated from Mahabaleshwar, which is located near Jor village in Maharashtra. This river empties into the Bay of Bengal at Hamasaladeevi in Andhra Pradesh.

Check the origin, tributaries, and features of Krishna River detailed below.

Table of Content

  • Overview of Krishna River
  • Origin of Krishna River
  • Course of Krishna River
  • Krishna Basin
  • Features of Krishna River
  • Tributaries of Krishna River – Overview
  • Tributaries of Krishna River
  • Flora and Fauna around krishna river
  • Major Projects on River Krishna

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