Main Websites Blocked in UAE

The UAE has strict rules about what people can see and do online. This means lots of websites are blocked in the country. Let’s talk about some of the main ones and why they’re banned.

1. VoIP Services

  • Services like Skype and WhatsApp let people make calls over the internet. But in the UAE, these are blocked. Why? Well, because the UAE wants people to use local phone companies instead of these cheaper internet calls. So, they’ve banned these services to protect the local companies’ profits.

2. Social Media Platforms

  • Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are really popular worldwide. But in the UAE, they’re not totally free to use. The government blocks stuff it thinks is inappropriate or against their beliefs. This could be anything from posts about LGBT rights to criticizing the government. They want to control what people see and say online.

3. Pornographic Websites

  • In the UAE, they don’t allow any websites showing adult content. It’s because they follow strict rules based on their beliefs. This includes sites with explicit pictures or information about sex education. The UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority keeps an eye on these sites and blocks them if they break the rules.

4. News Websites

  • In the UAE, the government controls all the news sources, even online ones. If a website talks bad about the government or brings up important issues, it might get blocked. This means people might not get all the different viewpoints and news stories they should. It’s like controlling what people can know about what’s happening.

5. Gambling and Betting Websites

  • In the UAE, playing games or betting for money is not allowed, even online. So, websites about gambling, poker, or sports betting are blocked in the country. The government wants to make sure people don’t get involved in these activities.

6. Anti-Islamic Content

  • The UAE follows strict Islamic laws. This means any online content that disrespects or goes against Islamic values is not allowed. This includes websites that say bad things about Islam, promote different religions, or criticize Islam.

7. Websites Related to Israel

  • The UAE doesn’t have friendly relations with Israel. So, any websites talking about Israel or supporting it are not allowed. The UAE blocks these websites to keep certain perspectives away from people.

8. File-Sharing Websites

  • Websites where people share files, like downloading movies for free, are blocked too. This is because it’s often used for illegal stuff like downloading things without permission. The UAE wants to make sure people follow the rules about copyrights and don’t share things they shouldn’t.

9. VPN Services

  • VPNs are like secret tunnels on the internet. They help people get around blocks and access websites that are banned. But in the UAE, VPNs are also banned. This means people can’t use them to see blocked stuff. The government wants to keep tight control over what people do online.

10. LGBTQ+ Websites

  • In the UAE, being in a same-sex relationship is against the law. This also applies online. So, any website talking about LGBTQ+ stuff or supporting LGBTQ+ rights is likely to be blocked. The government wants to keep things in line with their rules and beliefs.

List of Websites blocked in UAE

List of Websites blocked in UAE: The UAE is known for its strict censorship laws and regulations regarding online content. This has resulted in a long list of websites being blocked in the country. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) censors the internet in many areas.

The Internet Access Management (IAM) Regulatory Policy, overseen by the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) in the UAE, mandates that Etisalat and Du, upon TDRA’s request, block online content that violates cyber laws in force. TDRA outlines prohibited content as material that contradicts or is deemed offensive to public interest, morality, order, security, or Islam.

In this article, we have provided the list of websites that are blocked in UAE for various reasons that are also discussed in the article.

Table of Content

  • List of Websites Blocked in UAE
  • Internet Censorship in UAE
  • Types of Websites Blocked in UAE
  • Main Websites Blocked in UAE
  • Methods of Website Blocking in UAE
  • Why is Social Media Banned in UAE
  • Impact of Restricted Internet Access in UAE

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Conclusion – List of Websites Blocked in UAE

The list of websites blocked in the UAE reflects the stringent measures implemented by the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) to uphold cyber laws and preserve societal values. The significant number of websites flagged for containing pornography-related content and engaging in phishing and fraudulent activities underscores the ongoing challenges in regulating online content. However, while the blocking of websites is crucial for maintaining public order and security, it also prompts discussions about internet censorship and freedom of expression. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for authorities to strike a balance between safeguarding societal norms and ensuring open access to information for citizens. Moving forward, a transparent and inclusive approach to internet governance will be vital in navigating these complexities and fostering a digitally inclusive society in the UAE....

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