Magnetic Field

When a charge moves, it creates a magnetic field. And the force created in a magnetic field is called Magnetic Force. A charge is a basic property associated with the matter due to which it produces and experiences electrical and magnetic effects. A particular region in space around the magnet where the magnet has its magnetic effect is called the magnetic field of the magnet. Assume that there is a point charge q (moving with a velocity v and, located at r at given time t) in presence of both the electric field E (r) and the magnetic field B (r). The force on an electric charge q due to both of them can be written as,

F = q [E(r) + v × B(r)] ≡ EElectric + Fmagnetic

This formula was stated by H.A.Lorentz for the force due to the electric field, based on the extensive experiments of Ampere and others. It is also called the Lorentz force. 

Problems on Force between Two Parallel Current Carrying Conductors

Moving charges generate an electric field and the rate of flow of charge is known as current. This is the basic concept in Electrostatics. The magnetic effect of electric current is the other important phenomenon related to moving electric charges. Magnetism is generated due to the flow of current. Magnetic fields exert force on the moving charges and at the same time on other magnets, all of which have moving charges. When the charges are stationary, their magnetic field doesn’t affect the magnet but when charges move, they produce magnetic fields that exert force on other magnets.

The movement of charges generates magnetism around a conductor. Generally, magnetism is a property shown by magnets and produced by moving charges, which results in objects being attracted or pushed away. 

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Magnetic Field

When a charge moves, it creates a magnetic field. And the force created in a magnetic field is called Magnetic Force. A charge is a basic property associated with the matter due to which it produces and experiences electrical and magnetic effects. A particular region in space around the magnet where the magnet has its magnetic effect is called the magnetic field of the magnet. Assume that there is a point charge q (moving with a velocity v and, located at r at given time t) in presence of both the electric field E (r) and the magnetic field B (r). The force on an electric charge q due to both of them can be written as,...

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