Longest Word in the World

There are 52 letters in the longest word in the world. Its a combination of seven words. Even though it may not be a word in the dictionary, but it is known to be the biggest word in English. Given below, is the longest word :


This 52-letter word was coined by Dr. Edward -Strother, It describes the spa waters in Bath, England.

Meaning of the words given below :

Aequeo : being equal

Salino : Contains salt

Calcalino : Contains or related to calcium

Ceraceo : Having a waxy quality

Aluminoso : Contains alumina or aluminium

Cupreo : Relates to copper

Vitriolic : resembles something

Other than the above-mentioned longest word in the world, there are various other long words in English along with their meanings which are given below :

1) Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

It is made up of 45 letters. Breathing in of silica dust causes this lung condition. The term & illness is usually abbreviated as silicosis, which is easy to remember.

2) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

It is a 36-letter word. It means the fear of long words, which is an irony.

3) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

It is a 34-letter word in English, made popular by the 1964 Disney musical Mary Poppins. It means what we say when we are unsure about what to say.

4) Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism

It has 35 letters. It means when a moderate instance of hereditary pseudohypoparathyroidism mimics the disorder’s symptoms but is not related to the excessive amounts of calcium & phosphorus present in blood.

5) Floccinaucinihilipilification

It is made up of 29 letters. This word is used as a noun which means the habit of regarding something as unimportant.

6) Spectrophotofluorometrically

Its a 28-letter word. This is used as an adverb which means the measurement of light given off with an instrument, a spectrophotofluorometer.

7) Antidisestablishmentarianism

Its a 28-letter word. It means a political philosophy opposed to the state & church.

8) Psychoneuroendocrinological

This 27-letter word refers to the psychological study of the relationship between behaviour & hormones in humans.

9) Pneumoencephalographically

It has 26 letters. Its actually a technical term. It refers to the antiquated medical practices where there is evacuation of the spinal fluids & air is introduced so that the brain’s structural components get a clearer view.

10) Otorhinolaryngological

This 22-letter word is used as an adjective for something pertaining to otorhinolaryngology. It is the study of conditions dealing with the ear, nose & throat.

11) Incomprehensibilities

Its a 21-letter word which we use in our day-to-day conversation. This word refers to things that are incomprehensible.

12) Strengths

Even though it has only 9 letters, its another long word. It has 8 consonants & only one vowel – the ‘e’ in the middle making it one of the longest monosyllabic words in English.

13) Euouae

It is a 6-letter word made up of vowels. It holds two world records : it is the longest word in the English language that is only made up of vowels & it also has the most consecutive vowels of any word. It is a musical word from the Middle Ages, which means a mnemonic to recall a particular sequence of tones.

14) Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminyl…

continues after that…..

The longest string of letters used to describe something which isn’t technically a word—means the chemical name for a protein. It consists of 189,819 letters, fills more than 50 pages & takes more than three hours to say.

15) Floccinaucinihilipilification

It has 29 letters, means “the act or habit of assessing something as worthless”.

16) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine

Meaning a synthetic amphetamine used illicitly as it enhances the mood & is hallucinogenic. It has 29 letters.

17) Laryngotracheobronchitis

It has 24 letters. It means the inflammation of the larynx, trachea & bronchi.

18) Hydrochlorofluorocarbon

It has 23 letters. Its a type of gas known as HCFC.

19) Electroencephalographically

It has 27 letters. It means an apparatus that records brain waves—known as an electroencephalograph.

20) Psychoneuroimmunology

It has 21 letters. It means a branch of medicine which deals with the influence of emotional state & nervous system activities on the immune function.

Longest word in English – List of Longest Words

Longest Words in English: Has someone ever asked you about the longest possible word in English? Is this new to you? Our vocabulary can be improved if we know a few long words in English. Even though it can be a little tricky to remember long words, there are tricks to learn them. Smaller root words when joined together make long words. If you break down the long words into shorter ones & try to understand their meaning, it will be easy for one to remember the entire word.

Longest Words in English

It’s for a reason, that long words exist in English. Sometimes, ancient & modern authors come up with these words or make new words just for fun. Some terms have a medical origin, or are from chemistry or they are a certain type of protein. The longest word in a particular language depends on the rules of word formation of a specific language & the types of words. Other long words exist, but they are rarely used in a sentence.

Most English words longer than about 15-20 letters are scientific, meaningless, or highly specialized & are formed by affixation. Affixation means the process of adding affixes to a base word to give a derivative word—in the word affixation, for instance, –ation is an affix.

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