Logical Operators

Logical Operators in R simulate element-wise decision operations, based on the specified operator between the operands, which are then evaluated to either a True or False boolean value. Any non-zero integer value is considered as a TRUE value, be it a complex or real number. 

Element-wise Logical AND operator (&)

Returns True if both the operands are True.

list1 <- c(TRUE, 0.1)
list2 <- c(0,4+3i)
print(list1 & list2)
Output : FALSE   TRUE
Any non zero integer value is considered as a TRUE value, be it complex or real number. 

Element-wise Logical OR operator (|)

Returns True if either of the operands is True.

list1 <- c(TRUE, 0.1)
list2 <- c(0,4+3i)
Output : TRUE  TRUE

NOT operator (!)

A unary operator that negates the status of the elements of the operand.

list1 <- c(0,FALSE)
Output : TRUE  TRUE

Logical AND operator (&&)

Returns True if both the first elements of the operands are True.

list1 <- c(TRUE, 0.1)
list2 <- c(0,4+3i)
print(list1[1] && list2[1])
Output : FALSE 
Compares just the first elements of both the lists.

Logical OR operator (||)

Returns True if either of the first elements of the operands is True.

list1 <- c(TRUE, 0.1)
list2 <- c(0,4+3i)
Output : TRUE 

The following R code illustrates the usage of all Logical Operators in R:  

# R program to illustrate 
# the use of Logical operators
vec1 <- c(0,2)
vec2 <- c(TRUE,FALSE)

# Performing operations on Operands
cat ("Element wise AND :", vec1 & vec2, "\n")
cat ("Element wise OR :", vec1 | vec2, "\n")
cat ("Logical AND :", vec1[1] && vec2[1], "\n")
cat ("Logical OR :", vec1[1] || vec2[1], "\n")
cat ("Negation :", !vec1)


Element wise AND : FALSE FALSE 
Element wise OR : TRUE TRUE 
Logical AND : FALSE 
Logical OR : TRUE 
Negation : TRUE FALSE

R Operators

Operators are the symbols directing the compiler to perform various kinds of operations between the operands. Operators simulate the various mathematical, logical, and decision operations performed on a set of Complex Numbers, Integers, and Numericals as input operands. 

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